2499 - 3244     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 22 of 38 Results 421 - 440 of 746
79 2919 Italy Rome  Kennet B 79 2919 Italy Rome Kennet B
79 2919 Italy Rome  Kennet B 79 2919 Italy Rome Kennet B
79 2919 Italy Rome  Kennet B 79 2919 Italy Rome Kennet B
79/2919 [Italy. Rome]. Kennet, B. De aaloudheden van Rome. Amst., F. Halma, 1704, (10),260,(24)p., engr. frontisp., title-engr., 19 (double-p./ fold.) maps and plans/ plates, num. textills. and vignettes (mainly half- and one-third-p.), contemp. blindst. vellum w. central mirror ornament on both sides, large folio.

- Occas. (sl.) foxed/ browned (maps and plates fine). Upper joint starting; vellum lower compartment for the greater part worn away.

= Rossetti 2265; Kissner collection 109; Schudt 555.

€ (250-350) 325
79 2920 Italy Rome  Posterla F 79 2920 Italy Rome Posterla F
79 2920 Italy Rome  Posterla F 79 2920 Italy Rome Posterla F
79 2920 Italy Rome  Posterla F 79 2920 Italy Rome Posterla F
79/2920 [Italy. Rome]. Posterla, F. Roma sacra, e moderna (...). Rome, F. Gonzaga, 1707, (18),692,(10)p., engr. frontisp., 8 fold. plates, num. woodcut text ills., contemp. vellum.

- Partly trifle yellowed; receding waterst. in blank margin at the end. Vellum sl. stained.

= Schudt 223; Rossetti 8457 (calling for 5 plates). Rare.

€ (150-250) 220
79 2921 Japan  Prevost d'Exiles A F 79 2921 Japan Prevost d'Exiles A F
79 2921 Japan  Prevost d'Exiles A F 79 2921 Japan Prevost d'Exiles A F
79/2921 [Japan]. Prevost d'Exiles, A.F. Historische beschryving der reizen, Of nieuwe en volkome verzameling van de allerwaardigste en zeldzaamste zee- en land-togten, ter ontdekkinge en naspeuringe gedaan (...). Vol. 17. Amst., J. Hayman etc., 1758, (6),319,(3)p., 20 (fold.) engr. maps/ plans/ plates/ views, 2 vignettes, contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Internally fine. Paper over covers sl. worn.

= Published in a series of 21 vols. on various travels. This vol. contain travels to Japan. Tiele 103; Cat. NHSM p.108.

€ (200-300) 200
79 2922 Judaica and hebraica  Buxtorf J 79 2922 Judaica and hebraica Buxtorf J
79/2922 [Judaica and hebraica]. Buxtorf, J. Lexicon hebraicum et chaldaicum (...). Accessit lexicon breve Rabbinico-Philosophicum, communiora vocabula continens, quae in Commentariis passim occurrunt. Basel, J. Brandmyller for J. König & Fil., 1676, 8th ed., (16),976,(74)p., contemp. vellum over wooden covers.

- Old annots. and owner's entries on pastedowns and title-p.; part of imprint on title-p. rubbed off; fingersoiled and partly vaguely waterst. Vellum sl. darkened.

= Cf. Fürst I, p.138 and Freimann p.88 (other eds.).

€ (80-100) 80
79 2923 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2923 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79 2923 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2923 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2923 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken (...) Behelzende Twintig Boeken van de Joodsche Oudheden (...). Nóg zyn daarby gevoegd De Vyf Boeken van Egesippus Van de Joodsche Oorlogen, en de verdelging Jerusalems. Dutch transl. W. Séwel. Amst., Pieter Mortier, 1704, 3 parts in 2 vols., (38),482; (2),483-782,(30); 1-113,(11)p., engr. title, vign., 4 fold./ double-p. maps/ plans, 10 double-p. plates, num. textills., mostly by J. LUYKEN, contemp. unif. gilt calf, folio. - WITH: Basnage, J. Vervolg op Flavius Josephus of algemene historie der Joodsche naatsie. Amst./ Delft, G. onder de Linden/ R. Boitet, 1726/ 1727, 2 vols., (46),1-658; (6),659-1940p., engr. title, 2 title-vignettes, 2 portraits, 1 dedic. plate, 1 plate and 90 ills. by J. LUIKEN, 2 (fold.) tables, contemp. unif. calf, (almost) unif. with the preceding, folio.

- Second work partly (sl.) browned. Bindings sl. worn and w. some dam. spots.

= Klaversma/ Hannema 747; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 396; Poortman II, p.235-240.

€ (300-500) 375
79 2924 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2924 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2924 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken (...) Behelzende Twintig Boeken van de Joodsche Oudheden (...). Nóg zyn daarby gevoegd De Vyf Boeken van Egesippus Van de Joodsche Oorlogen, en de verdelging Jerusalems. Dutch transl. W. Séwel. Amst., Pieter Mortier, 1704, 3 parts in 1 vol., (36 [of 38]),482; 483-782,(30); 1-113,(11)p., engr. title, vign., 4 fold./ double-p. maps/ plans, 10 double-p. plates, num. textills., mostly by J. LUYKEN, contemp. vellum, folio.

- The maps and plates all loosely inserted; lacks 1 prelim. text leaf; one other leaf loose and frayed; pastedowns detached. Vellum trifle stained and wrinkled.

= Klaversma/ Hannema 747; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 396; Poortman II, p.235-240.

€ (80-100) 140
79 2925 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2925 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2925 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken. Nógh zyn daarby gevoegt de vyf boeken van Egesippus. Dutch transl. W. Séwel. Amst., J. Oosterwyk, 1722, 3 parts in 1 vol., (36),782,(30); 113,(11)p., engr. frontisp., 2 title-vignettes, 2 fold. maps, 12 double-p. plates, 1 plate, 208 ills., the greater part by J. LUIKEN, modern darkbrown calf w. giltlettered orange letterpiece, folio. - WITH: Basnage, J. Vervolg op Flavius Josephus of algemene historie der Joodsche naatsie. Amst./ Delft, G. onder de Linden/ R. Boitet, 1726/ 1727, 2 vols., (46),1-658; (6),659-1940p., 2 engr. title-vignettes, 1 portrait (of 2), 1 dedic. plate, 1 plate and 90 ills. by J. LUIKEN, uniformly bound with the above, folio.

- Ad 1. One textleaf w. tear (just outside text) along lower inner margin. Otherwise contents fine. Ad 2. Lacks one portrait; occas. sl. browned.

= Poortman II, p.241-243; Klaversma/ Hannema 748; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 396.

€ (250-350) 250
79 2926 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2926 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79 2926 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2926 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2926 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken (...) Behelzende Twintig Boeken van de Joodsche Oudheden (...). Nóg zijn daarbij gevoegd de vijf boeken van Egesippus. Dutch transl. W. Séwel. Amst., M. Schagen, 1732, 3 parts in 2 vols., (44),482; (8),479-790[=788],(26),112,(12)p., engr. frontisp., dedication plate to L. Geelvinck, fold. portrait of S. Haverkamp by J. HOUBRAKEN after F. VAN MIERIS, 5 fold. maps/ plans, 9 fold./ double-p. plates, full-p. plate, 205 textills., mostly by J. LUIKEN, contemp. unif. blindst. vellum, 1x w. mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Sl. foxed/ browned; occas. marginal defects (i.a. fingersoiling). Upper joint first vol. splitting near foot ot spine; 2nd vol. lacks mor. letterpiece.

= Poortman II, p.241-243: "De vernieuwde uitgave van 1732 was nodig, omdat in de vertaling van Séwel veel fouten voorkwamen." Klaversma/ Hannema 749; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 396; Muller, Portretten 2210.

€ (150-250) 150
79 2927 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2927 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2927 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Alle de werken. Amst., J. van Gulik, 1780-1784, 3 vols., engr. portr. and 36 plates after J. BUYS, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. black mor. letterpiece.

- Top of spine vol. 1 chipped; all bindings worn along extremities. Contents fine.

€ (60-80) 60
79 2928 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2928 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2928 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Des wijdt-vermaerden Joodschen Historieschrijvers Boecken; Te weten twintigh van de Oude Geschiedenissen der Joden en een van sijn eygen Leven: noch seven van de Joodsche Oorlogen en de Verwoestinge Jerusalems (...). Vertaelt door S. de Vries. (...) Daer by gevoeght Egesippi Boecken, Van de Joodsche Oorlogen, en de Verstooringe der Stadt Jerusalem. Dordr., J. Savry, 1665, 2 parts in 1 vol. (7),402,(12); (2),86,(2) lvs., engr. title, num. ills., modern hleather, folio.

- Waterst. in inner margin at the beginning; engr. title w. some surface dam. spots (silverfish?); sl. yellowed.

= Poortman II, p.227-231; Fürst II, 127. First edition of this translation.

€ (80-100) 80
79 2929 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2929 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2929 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Histoire des Juifs./ Histoire de la Guerre des Juifs contre les Romains. French transl. and ed. A. d'Andilly. Paris, P. le Petit, 1672/ 1680 (vol. 2), 4th ed./ new ed. (vol. 2), 5 vols., contemp. unif. gilt calf, sm. 8vo.

- Trifle yellowed; vol. 1 w. extensive annots. on first free endpaper; final text leaf dam. (w. loss of text); all vols. bookplate on upper pastedown. Bindings sl. rubbed; 3 vols. upper joint splitting at spine-ends.

= Rare edition. Cf. Fürst II, p.123.

€ (100-150)
79 2930 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2930 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79 2930 Judaica and hebraica  Flavius Josephus 79 2930 Judaica and hebraica Flavius Josephus
79/2930 [Judaica and hebraica]. Flavius Josephus. Hooghberoemde Joodsche historien ende boecken. Noch Egesippus vande Ellendighe verstoringe der Stadt Jerusalem. Amst., Weduwe van Joost Broersz, 1647, 2 parts in 1 vol., (2),338,(14),77,(4) lvs., engr. title by monogrammist "B.G."[?], num. woodcut ills. after C. VAN SICHEM, contemp. vellum, large 4to.

- First two textlvs. damaged and clumsily repaired/reattached w. modern paper; waterstain in upper and outer margin throughout; sl. soiled; a few lvs. w. large tear at inner margin. Binding soiled; lacks ties; small hole in vellum on front cover; turn-in on lower edge of frontcover sl. loose.

= Reprint of the Cloppenburgh edition (Amst., 1636) by the widow of Joost Broersz. The engr. title still with "1636". Poortman IIb, p.225.

€ (80-100) 90
79 2931 Judaica and hebraica  Hamelsveld Y 79 2931 Judaica and hebraica Hamelsveld Y
79/2931 [Judaica and hebraica]. Hamelsveld, Y. Geschiedenis der Joden. Sedert de verwoesting van de stad en tempel van Jeruzalem, tot den tegenwoordigen tijd. Amst., J. van der Hey, 1808, 2nd ed., XII,378p., contemp. boards.

- Paper over spine for the larger part worn off. = Rare.

Leeuw, L. de. De Nederlandsche Jood, zoo als hij thans is, zijne godsdienst, zeden en gebruiken. Amersf., A.M. Slothouwer, 1864, VII,(1),291p., contemp. gilt mor.

- Library cancellation stamps on title. Upper joint starting and chipped at top of spine.

= Gilt ticket on upper pastedown "Present exemplaar van den schrijver".

AND 2 others, i.a. C.S. DUITSCH, De wonderlyke leidinge Gods, omtrent eenen blinden leidsman der blinden op wegen en paden, die hy niet en kende (Amst., 1774, 3rd ed., 1st vol. only, engr. frontisp., without binding).

€ (80-100) 80
79 2932 Judaica and hebraica  Kirchner P C 79 2932 Judaica and hebraica Kirchner P C
79 2932 Judaica and hebraica  Kirchner P C 79 2932 Judaica and hebraica Kirchner P C
79/2932 [Judaica and hebraica]. Kirchner, P.C. Jüdisches Ceremoniel, oder Beschreibung dererjenigen Gebräuche, welche die Juden sowol inn- als ausser dem Tempel, bey allen und jeden Fest-Tägen, im Gebet, bey der Beschneidung, bey Hochzeiten, Auslösung der Erst-Geburt, im Sterben, bey der Begräbnüss und dergleichen, in acht zu nehmen pflegen. Nürnberg, P.C. Monath, 1724, (10),226,(18)p., engr. double-p. title, frontisp. and 28 double-p. plates (the engr. title calls for 27 plates), contemp. hvellum, sm. 4to.

- First leaf of index lacks upper half; foxed. Spine-ends dam.; paper over boards partly worn off.

= Roest I, p.638; Fürst II, p.190; Lipperheide Oc 20; Hiler 500. The detailed plates, mainly by Puschner, depicting Jewish ceremonies, festivals, rituals. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIII.

€ (500-700)
79 2933 Judaica and hebraica  Leusden J 79 2933 Judaica and hebraica Leusden J
79/2933 [Judaica and hebraica]. Leusden, J. Jonas illustratus per Paraphrasin Chaldaicam, Masoram magnam & parvam; et per Trium Praestantissimorum Rabbinorum Schelomonis Jarchi, Abrahami Aben Ezrae, Davidis Kimchi, textum Rabbinicum punctatum (...). Utr., F. Halma, 1692, 2nd ed., (24),252,(4)p., engr. title, Latin and Hebrew text, contemp. vellum.

- One quire loose; lacks upper pastedown; vaguely waterst. at the end.

= Fürst II, p.235; not in Freimann. The 1st ed. (publ. 1656) was put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum in 1686.

€ (100-150) 100
79 2934 Judaica and hebraica  Ouseen P 79 2934 Judaica and hebraica Ouseen P
79/2934 [Judaica and hebraica]. Ouseen, P. Introduction in Accentuationem Hebraeorum Prosaicam. Leyden, S. Luchtmans, 1715, (24),394,(9)p., contemp. vellum, sm. 4to. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Introductio in Accentuationem Hebraeorum Metricam. Ibid., idem, 1714, (36), 124,(4)p., fold. table.

= Fürst III, p.60; not in Freimann.

AND WITH: Bomble, C.J. [Greek:] Cheiragōsos ad Philippi Ouseel (...) Introductionem Geminam in Accentuationem Hebraeorum Metricam et Prosaicam. Ibid., idem, 1721, 23p., fold. table.

- Sl. fingersoiled/ stained and occas. waterst.; later endpapers; a few lvs./ quires at the end loose(ning). Vellum darkened and soiled.

€ (80-100)
79 2935 Katwijk  Conrad F W  Blanken Jz  A and Kros S 79 2935 Katwijk Conrad F W Blanken Jz A and Kros S
79/2935 [Katwijk]. Conrad, F.W., Blanken Jz., A. and Kros, S. Rapport wegens het onderzoek omtrent eene uitwatering te Catwyk aan Zee, gedaan in 1802. Op last van Dykrichter en Hoogheemraaden van Rhynland. Met bylaagen en daar toe behoorende kaarten en plaaten. Haarlem, F. Bohn, 1803, 2 parts in 1 vol., (2),49; 27,(1)p., 18 fold. engr. maps/ plans/ plates and profiles, 2 textills., contemp. hcalf , folio.

- Most plates and textleaves duststained in margins; bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding worn, esp. along extremities.

= Bierens de Haan 945.

€ (150-250) 150
79 2936 Katwijk  Pars A 79 2936 Katwijk Pars A
79/2936 [Katwijk]. Pars, A. Catti Aborigines Batavorum. Dat is: De Katten De Voorouders der Batavieren, ofte de twee Katwijken, aan See en aan den Rijn. Met de Huisen te Britten en Sand. En van wegen de Naheid van Stoffe en Plaatsen, de Gedenkwaardigheden van het Dorp en Abdye van Rijnsburg. Ed. P. van der Schelling. Leyden/ Amst., J.A. Langerak/ G. de Groot, 1745, (122),604,(89)p., engr. frontisp., heraldic plate and dedic. ill., portrait, 11 double-p./ fold. and 3 full-p. views and plates, ills., contemp. panelled vellum.

- Sl. yellowed copy. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 241. The second (= third) and best (enl.) ed.

€ (100-150) 170
79 2937 Kennemerland  Brouërius van Nidek M 79 2937 Kennemerland Brouërius van Nidek M
79 2937 Kennemerland  Brouërius van Nidek M 79 2937 Kennemerland Brouërius van Nidek M
79 2937 Kennemerland  Brouërius van Nidek M 79 2937 Kennemerland Brouërius van Nidek M
79 2937 Kennemerland  Brouërius van Nidek M 79 2937 Kennemerland Brouërius van Nidek M
79 2937 Kennemerland  Brouërius van Nidek M 79 2937 Kennemerland Brouërius van Nidek M
79/2937 [Kennemerland]. Brouërius van Nidek, M. Het Zegenpralend Kennemerland, Vertoond in 100 Heerlyke Gezichten Van de voornaamste lustplaetsen, adelyke huizen, dorp- en stede-gebouwen; Beginnende met Kastrikum (...) en eindigende met het Quartier van Heemstede, Berkenrode en Bennebroek. Amst., A. and H. de Leth, n.d. (±1725), 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),24; 18p., 2 ident. engr. frontisp., title-vignette and 1 other vignette, fold. map, 100 views on 50 plates by H. DE LETH, modern gilt hcalf w. marbled boards, folio.

- Two identical engr. frontispieces reading "Tweede deel"; mounted bookplate and tipped-in annots. by Van den Broek on upper pastedown; occas. sl. foxed in blank margins; mostly fine.

= Cat. Harlemia Illustrata 295-394; cf. Ekama 555 (ed. 1768). One of the finest books on 18th cent. Dutch stately homes, also of great importance for contemporary garden-architecture (the views also include detailed plans of the gardens). Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.

€ (250-350) 325
79 2938 Krul J H 79 2938 Krul J H
79/2938 Krul, J.H. Vermakelijcke uyren. Amst., J.A. Colom, 1628, 1st ed., (8),256p., woodcut printer's mark on main title and div. title, engr. plate by S. SAVERY after D. VAN BREMDEN, contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Cancel stamps of the Koninklyke Bibliotheek on main title-p.; first free endpaper and blank loose(ning); trifle yellowed. Good/ fine copy.

= Very rare first edition. Van Bemmel 4 ("Eerste bekende editie"; Scheurleer II, 74; Hollstein (Savery) 170 (after D. van Bremden).

€ (1.000-1.500) 1000