2685 - 3623     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 32 of 47 Results 621 - 640 of 939
80 3305 Militaria  Koehoorn M van80 3305 Militaria Koehoorn M van
80/3305 [Militaria]. Koehoorn, M. van Nouvelle Fortification, tant pour un terrain bas et humide, que sec et élévé. Représentée en trois manières sur le contenu intérieur de l'exagone à la francoise (...). The Hague, H. van Bulderen, 1706, (32),261,(7)p., 14 fold. engr. plates, modern gilt leather.

- Title-p. sticking to first blank along hinge; occas. trifle waterst. in (blank) margins.

= Cf. Pollak 10; Jähns p.1385-1389; Pohler III, p.698. First(?) French translation of one of the most important Dutch works on the subject (first published as Nieuwe Vestingbouw in 1685). Minno (or Menno) Koehoorn, the "Dutch Vauban", became General of Artillery (1697) and Lieutenant General of the Infantry of Holland (1695).

€ (250-350) 250
80 3306 Militaria  Lipsius J 80 3306 Militaria Lipsius J
80/3306 [Militaria]. Lipsius, J. Poliorceticon, sive de machinis tormentis telis. Libri Quinque. Antwerp, Ex Officina Plantiniana, Widow & J. Moretus, 1596, 1st ed., (16),267,(8)p., engraved printer's mark on title-p., woodcut printer's mark at the end, 33 (mainly full-p.) etched ills., contemp. vellum, 4to. - BOUND WITH: Eugippius. Historia ante annos circiter MC scripta. Augsb., "ad insigne pinus", 1595, (10),51,(27)p., woodcut printer's mark.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; first work sl. yellowed.

= Ad 1: Adams L797; Bibl. Belg. L.424 ("Première édition, tirée à 1500 exemplaires"); Jähns p.561: "Ein besonderes Verdienst erwarb er sich durch die für seine Zeit vortreffliche Abhandlung über die Maschinen der Alten." Ad 2: Adams E1025.

€ (250-350) 325
80 3307 Militaria  Stevin S 80 3307 Militaria Stevin S
80 3307 Militaria  Stevin S 80 3307 Militaria Stevin S
80/3307 [Militaria]. Stevin, S. Castrametatio, dat is Legermeting. Rott., J. van Waesberghe, 1617, (4),55p., woodcut title-vignette, engr. portrait and armorial plate, woodcut schematic ills., contemp. gilt vellum w. later ties, folio.

- Portrait and plate sl. yellowed.

= Cockle 703; Pollak 58; Sloos 08012; Jähns p.840. Stevin's main works on military engineering. "A native of Bruges, Stevin is known as the "Father" of modern statics (...). Stevin took part in the siege of Jülig in 1610, and used his experience in the formulation of his books. He innovatively bound together castrametation with siege strategy, tactics and fortification design, creating a scientific axis between them. Furthermore, the use of sluices made a virtue out of the excessive water channels of Holland, by placing them at the center of a new national fortification method." (Pollak). From the library of Max Jähns, with his owner's entry on first free endpaper and mounted ticket "Vermächtnis des am 19. September 1900 verstorben Oberstleutnants Dr. Max Jähns" on upper pastedown.

€ (600-800) 850
80 3308 Miniature books  Het boek der psalmen Nevens de gezangen Bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik  80 3308 Miniature books Het boek der psalmen Nevens de gezangen Bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik
80 3308 Miniature books  Het boek der psalmen Nevens de gezangen Bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik  80 3308 Miniature books Het boek der psalmen Nevens de gezangen Bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik
80 3308 Miniature books  Het boek der psalmen Nevens de gezangen Bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik  80 3308 Miniature books Het boek der psalmen Nevens de gezangen Bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik
80/3308 [Miniature books]. Het boek der psalmen, Nevens de gezangen Bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik (...). Amst., H. Brandt, 1777, (181)lvs., 68p. (Catechismus), engr. frontisp., contemp. green mor. w. gilt fillet border on both covers, gilt spine, gilt boardedges, a.e.g., 8,6x5 cm.

- Upper hinge splitting. Otherwise fine. = Welsh 600. Warranted in pen by J.J. Kessler.

€ (100-150) 100
80/3309 Miniature books  De CL Psalmen des Propheten Davids en andere Lof sangen 80/3309 Miniature books De CL Psalmen des Propheten Davids en andere Lof sangen
80/3309 [Miniature books]. De CL. Psalmen des Propheten Davids, en andere Lof-sangen. Amst., I. vander Putte, n.d. (early 18th cent.), no pagination, scores, contemp. gilt calf, a.e.g., 7,5x5 cm.

- Calf sl. dam./ loosening at board edges. = Rare, not in the usual reference works.

€ (100-150) 500
80 3310 Montesquieu C L Secondat de 80 3310 Montesquieu C L Secondat de
80 3310 Montesquieu C L Secondat de 80 3310 Montesquieu C L Secondat de
80/3310 Montesquieu, C.L. Secondat de. De aart der wetten. Amst., J. Kok, 1771-1773, 4 parts in 2 vols., engr. title-vignette, contemp. unif. vellum

- Both vols. libr. stamp(s) on verso of first htitle and verso and recto of title-p. A fine copy.

= The first Dutch translation of l'Esprit des lois, by E. Luzac with his notes. Very rare.

€ (200-300) 475
80 3311 Montesquieu C L Secondat de 80 3311 Montesquieu C L Secondat de
80/3311 (Montesquieu, C.L. Secondat de). De l'esprit des loix. Amst. and Leipsic, Arkstee & Merkus, 1763, rev., corr. and enl. ed., 4 vols., fold. engr. map of Europe and the World, contemp. unif. simple limp boards.

- Spines partly dam., one frontcover loose, one frontcover lacking. = Cf. Camus 122.

€ (200-300)
80 3312 Montesquieu C L Secondat de 80 3312 Montesquieu C L Secondat de
80 3312 Montesquieu C L Secondat de 80 3312 Montesquieu C L Secondat de
80/3312 Montesquieu, C.L. Secondat de. De geest der wetten. Dutch transl. D. Hoola van Nooten. Amst., W. Holtrop, 1783-1786, 4 (of 5) vols., engr. frontisp. and 2 fold. maps, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces.

- Lacks the final vol. Three vols. top of spine chipped; first 2 vols. vertical crease in spine. Good set.

= The rare second Dutch translation of l'Esprit des lois. The first Dutch edition was published by E. Luzac as De aart der wetten, 1771-1773.

€ (80-100) 160
80 3313 Montesquieu C L Secondat de 80 3313 Montesquieu C L Secondat de
80/3313 (Montesquieu, C.L. Secondat de). Le Temple de Gnide revu corrigé et augmenté. London, n.publ., n.d., (2),VIII,(2),85p., engr. title, frontisp. and 8 sm. ills. by SÈVE(?), contemp. calf w. gilt spine.

- Binding worn along extremities; contemp. annot. on title ("Legrand 1762").

= Tchemerzine, IV, p. 924; Cohen/de Ricci 725 (attributing the illustration to Sève).

€ (80-100) 80
80 3314 Moonen A 80 3314 Moonen A
80/3314 Moonen, A. Nederduitsche spraekkunst, ten dienste van in- en uitheemschen uit verscheidene schryveren en aentekeningen opgemaekt. Amst., F. Halma, 1706, 1st ed., (32),356[=354],(3)p., woodcut title-vignette, contemp. blindst. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Vague yellow stain on first few preliminary leaves; sm. owner's entry on title-p. A good/ fine copy.

€ (100-150) 100
80 3315 Mostazo F 80 3315 Mostazo F
80 3315 Mostazo F 80 3315 Mostazo F
80 3315 Mostazo F 80 3315 Mostazo F
80/3315 Mostazo, F. Tractatus de causis piis in genere, et in specie. Opus non solum judicibus, et visitatoribus ecclesiasticis valde utile (...). Venice, P. Balleonius, 1698, 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),296; 412p., 2 ident. woodcut title-vignettes, contemp. vellum, folio.

- Scattered library stamps; sl. waterst. in (blank) margin; final few lvs. sl. dam. in right blank margin. Backstrip sl. dam.; extremities sl. worn.

Corrado, P. Praxis dispensationum apostolicarum, ex solidissimo Romanae Curiae stylo (...). Ibid., idem, 1699, (4),401,(39)p., woodcut title-vignette, later hmor., folio.

- Scattered library stamps; first few lvs. sl. stained/ soiled and strengthened in inner margin. Backstrip loosening; extremities sl. worn.

AND 1 other.

€ (100-150)
80 3316 Moubach A 80 3316 Moubach A
80 3316 Moubach A 80 3316 Moubach A
80 3316 Moubach A 80 3316 Moubach A
80 3316 Moubach A 80 3316 Moubach A
80 3316 Moubach A 80 3316 Moubach A
80 3316 Moubach A 80 3316 Moubach A
80/3316 Moubach, A. Naaukeurige beschryving der uitwendige godtsdienst-plichten, kerk-zeden en gewoontens van alle volkeren der waereldt. The Hague etc., R.C. Alberts etc., 1727-1738, 6 vols., engr. frontisp., 6 title-vignettes and 224 (numb.) (fold./ double-p.) plates by B. PICARD, vignettes and ills. by i.a. F. MORENDON LA CAVE and B. PICARD, contemp. unif. hroan, folio.

- Untrimmed set; occas. sl. yellowed; 1 vol. w. a few plates sl. waterst. in upper (blank) margin; contents otherwise fine and clean. Bindings worn; paper over covers chafed/ worn off.

= Rubens p.1103-1215, 1244-1273; Sabin 62600 (praising the engravings). One of the main sources documenting the history of religion, with extensive descriptions of the Jewish and Roman Catholic faith (incl. the activities of the inquisition), Greek-Orthodox and Protestant churches, Quakers, Anabaptism, Freemasonry, Islam, Buddhism, Chinese and Persian religions, American and African creeds etc. The first vol. i.a. dealing with the rites and customs of the Dutch Jewry in the 17th and 18th century, with fine plates. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXX.

€ (700-900)
80 3317 Muncker P 80 3317 Muncker P
80 3317 Muncker P 80 3317 Muncker P
80 3317 Muncker P 80 3317 Muncker P
80/3317 Muncker, P. De intercalatione variarum gentium, et praesertim Romanorum. Leyden, J. Hackius, 1680, (32),410,(16)p., contemp. vellum.

- A few lvs. with (contemp.) underlining and sm. annots. in pen and ink. A fine copy.

= First edition of this work on the various calendar calculations by different people of classical antiquity (Egyptians, Hewbrews, Greek and Romans) by the Dutch philologist and mathematician Philipp Muncker (c. 1652-1682). It also deals with the calculations by Pope Gregory XIII and exams the intercalary days and months in more detail, including the Roman month of Mercedonius. Muncker cites numerous authors along the way, including Censorinus, Cicero, Giglio Giraldi, Bartholomew Keckermann, Macrobius, Paulus Manutius, Ovid, Plutarch, Joseph Scaliger, and Jacques Auguste de Thou. It also contains sections on the calendar reform from the Julian to the Gregorian system.

€ (70-90) 90
80 3318 Music  Aristoxenus Nicomachus and Alypius 80 3318 Music Aristoxenus Nicomachus and Alypius
80/3318 [Music]. Aristoxenus, Nicomachus and Alypius. Elementa Harmonica./ Enchridion Harmonices./ Isagoge Musica. Ed. J. Meursius. Leyden, Ex Officina L. Elzeviri, typis G. Basson, 1616, (8),160[=196]p., woodcut title-vignette, Greek text, contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 4to.

- Title-p. doubled; heraldic bookplate and auction catalogue clipping on upper pastedown; occas. trifle yellowed. A fine copy.

= Scheurleer I, p.102; Willems 106; Rahir 83; Schweiger p.67; Hoffman I, p.375. Very rare ediiton of these ancient treatises on musical theory. Aristoxenus' Elementa Harmonica, which has been only partly preserved, is considered the oldest surviving work on the subject.

BOUND WITH: Philostratus. Epistolae. Ed. J. Meursius. Ibid., idem, 1616, 24p., woodcut title-vignette.

= Willems 115; Rahir 91; Hoffman III, p.80; not in Schweiger.

€ (300-500) 2100
80 3319 Music  Burney C 80 3319 Music Burney C
80/3319 [Music]. Burney, C. The present state of music in Germany, The Netherlands and United Provinces. Or, The Journal of a Tour through those Countries, undertaken to collect Materials for a general history of music. London, T. Becker etc., 1775, 2nd corr. ed., 2 vols., VIII,380; (4),352p., music examples, 20th cent. unif. buckram w. mor. letterpiece.

- Occas. sl. foxed. = Lowndes I, 325; MGG I,495.

€ (120-150) 120
80 3320 Music  Ditters von Dittersdorf K 80 3320 Music Ditters von Dittersdorf K
80/3320 [Music]. Ditters von Dittersdorf, K. Lebensbeschreibung. Leipsic, Breitkopf und Härtel, 1801, 1st ed., XVI,294p., contemp. marbled boards w. red mor. letterpiece.

- Sm. portion of upper outer corner of first free endpaper cut off; later owner's entry on first free endpaper; a few scattered vague pencil marks in blank margin; sm. receding brown stain in outer margin of preliminary leaves. Binding trifle rubbed along extremities.

= Dittersdorf's autobiography as dictated to his son.

€ (70-90) 70
80 3321 Music  Hess J 80 3321 Music Hess J
80/3321 [Music]. Hess, J. Over de vereischten in eenen organist. Gouda, W. Verblaauw, 1807, XII,96,(1)p., 19th cent. boards.

- "N.52" in red pen and ink on title. Backstrip for the larger part worn off.

= RISM B VI1, p. 410; Eitner V, p.132f; Scheurleer I, p.336. Joachim Hess was organist and carillon player in Gouda and Maassluis. Extremely rare first and only edition of this work.

€ (400-600) 850
80 3322 Music  Iperen J van 80 3322 Music Iperen J van
80 3322 Music  Iperen J van 80 3322 Music Iperen J van
80/3322 [Music]. Iperen, J. van. Kerkelyke historie van het psalm-gezang der Christenen, van de dagen der apostelen af, tot op onzen tegenwoordigen tyd toe; en inzonderheid van onze verbeterde nederduitsche psalmberyminge. Amst., Wed. Loveringh and J. Allart, 1777-1778, 2 vols., XXII,496; XL,519p., 9 engr. portraits, 1 fold. engr. plate, 3 (fold.) plates w. engr. scores, later unif. boards w. giltlettered titlepiece, 4to.

- Contents fine. Spine-ends and joints trifle worn; corners showing. = Cat. Scheurleer p.176.

€ (100-150)
80 3323 Music  Rousseau J J 80 3323 Music Rousseau J J
80/3323 [Music]. Rousseau, J.J. Dictionnaire de musique. Paris, Veuve Duchesne, 1768, XII,547,(1)p., engr. title-vignette, 13 engr. fold. plates w. scores, contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Stamp on title-p.; trifle foxed. Covers waterst.; joints splitting.

= Published in the same year as the first (4to) edition. Eitner VIII,336: "Trotzdem [Rousseau] nie ernsthafte Musikstudien gemacht hatte (...) hing er dennoch der Musik leidenschaftlich an." Rousseau composed a very successful small opera "Le devin du village".

€ (70-90) 70
80 3324 Netherlands  Aa C van der 80 3324 Netherlands Aa C van der
80 3324 Netherlands  Aa C van der 80 3324 Netherlands Aa C van der
80 3324 Netherlands  Aa C van der 80 3324 Netherlands Aa C van der
80/3324 [Netherlands]. Aa, C. van der. Atlas van de Zeehavens der Bataafsche Republiek, die van Batavia en Onrust. Mitsgaders de Afbeeldingen van de Haringvisscherij en de Walvischvangst. Amst., E. Maaskamp, 1805, 2nd ed., XII,133p., engr. title, 31 double-p. (harbour)views by D. DE JONG, engraved by M. SALLIETH, contemp. gilt hcalf w. green mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Corners sl. rubbed. Otherwise a very fine clean and complete copy.

= Provenance: E. Sherard Kennedy (Walton House, Brompton) (bookplate on upper pastedown);' Cat. NHSM p.319, Tiele 3. The second edition, enlarged with views of Batavia and Onrust. The first edition (without text) was published in 1802. Comprises beautiful views in strong impressions of the harbours of i.a. Amsterdam (2x), Rotterdam (2x), Texel, Edam, Middelburg and Hoorn and the 2 often lacking plates depicting whaling and herring fishery. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXI.

€ (3.000-5.000) 3250