Page 1807 of 1848 Results 36121 - 36140 of 36952
80/5660 Palestine  Palaestinae sive totius terrae promissionis nova descriptio 80/5660 Palestine Palaestinae sive totius terrae promissionis nova descriptio
80/5660 [Palestine]. "Palaestinae sive totius terrae promissionis nova descriptio". Handcol. engr. map by TILEMANN STELLA SIGENENSI (= Stoll/ Stolz/ Stoltz), w. 2 large cartouches, 35,5x47,5 cm., Amst., A. Ortelius, 1624. - AND 2 other maps and a plan of Jerusalem. - ADDED: 4 others, i.a. a small profile of Constantinople .
€ (100-150) 240
80/5661 Palestine  Perigrinatie ofte Veertich Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israëls uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee ende de Woestyne Tot in 't Beloofde Landt Canaan 80/5661 Palestine Perigrinatie ofte Veertich Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israëls uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee ende de Woestyne Tot in 't Beloofde Landt Canaan
80/5661 [Palestine]. "Perigrinatie ofte Veertich Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israëls, uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee ende de Woestyne, Tot in 't Beloofde Landt Canaan". Engr. map by D. STOOPENDAAL, large title-cartouche, elaborate illustration below involving stories on Mozes and the copper snake, many ships, 38,6x47 cm., Amst., J. van Meurs, ±1677.

= Cf. Poortman/ Augusteijn G I/3.

€ (60-80)
80/5662 Palestine  Terrae Israel omnis ante Canaan Dictae in tribus undecim distributae accuratissima  80/5662 Palestine Terrae Israel omnis ante Canaan Dictae in tribus undecim distributae accuratissima
80/5662 [Palestine]. "Terrae Israel omnis ante Canaan. Dictae in tribus undecim distributae accuratissima (...)". Engr. map by Pieter van der HEYDEN, 33,8x50,5 cm., from BENITO ARIAS MONTANO in: Biblia polyglotta (Antwerp, 1572).

- Central fold strengthened/ repaired; sl. soiled. = Laor 46.

€ (250-350) 250
80/5663 Persia  Imperii Persici in omnes suas Provincias exacte divisi Nova Tabula Geographica 80/5663 Persia Imperii Persici in omnes suas Provincias exacte divisi Nova Tabula Geographica
80/5663 [Persia]. "Imperii Persici in omnes suas Provincias exacte divisi Nova Tabula Geographica (...)" Handcol. engr. map, large title-cartouche showing lions and Persian warriors, dec. cartouche w. scale bar, 48,5x57,5 cm., Nürnberg, J.B. Homann, ±1740.

- Slightly browned along middle fold; otherwise fine.

€ (100-150) 100
80/5664 Persia  Persia Sive Sophorum Regnum 80/5664 Persia Persia Sive Sophorum Regnum
80/5664 [Persia]. "Persia Sive Sophorum Regnum". Engr. map, dec. cartouche, 26,5x34 cm., Frankf., M. Merian, ±1640.

- Trifle yellowed. = Cf. Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 8200:2.3 (by Blaeu).

€ (100-150) 150
80/5665 Persia  Verschiedene Prospecte der Vornemsten Städten in Persien samt vorderst einer unfern dem Caspischen Meer dem Russischen Reich zugehörig 80/5665 Persia Verschiedene Prospecte der Vornemsten Städten in Persien samt vorderst einer unfern dem Caspischen Meer dem Russischen Reich zugehörig
80/5665 [Persia]. "Verschiedene Prospecte der Vornemsten Städten in Persien samt vorderst einer unfern dem Caspischen Meer, dem Russischen Reich zugehörig". Fifteen handcol. engr. bird's eye views on one sheet, 49,7x58,1 cm., each w. engr. caption above and below, Nürnberg, J.B. Homann, ±1762.

- A few (marginal) closed tears; trifle yellowed.

= Views of "Isphahan", "Candahar", "Teflis", "Kars", "Schiras", "Baccu", "Sultania", "Gamron oder Bender Abassi", "Schamachia", "Ardebil", "Erivan", "Derbent", "Kachan", "Erzerum" and "Astrachan".

€ (120-150) 140
80/5666 Portugal  Portugalliae quae olim Lusitania novissima & exactissima descriptio 80/5666 Portugal Portugalliae quae olim Lusitania novissima & exactissima descriptio
80/5666 [Portugal]. "Portugalliae quae olim Lusitania, novissima & exactissima descriptio". Contemp. handcol. engr. map by B. DOETECOM, 3 cartouches, large compass rose, ships and a sea monster, 34,5x50,5 cm., Amst., Mercator/ Hondius, ±1605, framed.

- Slightly yellowed; otherwise fine. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 6300:1A.

€ (250-350) 250
80/5667 Rhine and Maas  Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est 80/5667 Rhine and Maas Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est
80/5667 Rhine and Maas  Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est 80/5667 Rhine and Maas Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est
80/5667 Rhine and Maas  Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est 80/5667 Rhine and Maas Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est
80/5667 [Rhine and Maas]. "Fossa Eugeniana, quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est." Contemp. handcol. engr. map, 3 cartouches, 37x49 cm., Amst., H. Hondius, ±1640.

- Trifle browned; lower part middle fold splitting.

= Shows (part of) the canal (nowadays Nordrhein Westphalen) planned by the Spanish regent in Brussels, Isabella Clara Eugenia (hence its name) to deviate to Antwerp - in Spanish territory - trade destined for Rotterdam or Amsterdam and thereby economically block the Dutch Republic. It was intended to run from the Rhine via the Maas to the Schelde but never even reached the Maas. Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3790:1.1.

"Tractus Rheni et Mosae totusq Vahalis à Rhenoberca Gorcomium (...) et Leerdam." Contemp. handcol. engr. map in two sections on one leaf, dec. title-cartouche heightened w. gold and 2 scale bars, total size 38x50 cm., Amst., W. Blaeu, ±1640.

- Trifle foxed.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3705:2; Vredenberg-Alink II, 2. Detailed map, showing the Netherlands between the three great rivers from Vianen/ Gorcum to Wesel/ Rijnberck.

AND 1 other: "Totius Fluminis Rheni Novissima Descriptio". Two engr. maps on 1 sheet, contemp. handcol. borders and 2 cartouches, together 46x52,5 cm., Amst., F. de Wit, ±1680 (lower right corner with closed tear).

€ (70-90) 140
80/5668 Romania  Transilvania 80/5668 Romania Transilvania
80/5668 Romania  Transilvania 80/5668 Romania Transilvania
80/5668 [Romania]. "Transilvania". Engr. miniature map, title-cartouche, 8,3x11,8 cm., from A. ORTELIUS, Epitome du theatre du monde, ±1590. - AND a handcol. miniature map by P. KAERIUS: "Hungaria" (from J. SPEED, A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World, ±1650).
€ (60-80)
80/5669 Romania  Transylvania Sibenburgen 80/5669 Romania Transylvania Sibenburgen
80/5669 [Romania]. "Transylvania Sibenburgen." Handcol. engr. map, dec. title-cartouche, 38x50,5 cm., Amst., W. and J. Blaeu, ±1645.

- Sl. browned. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 7700:2.

€ (80-100) 200
80/5670 Russia  Carte de Tartarie 80/5670 Russia Carte de Tartarie
80/5670 Russia  Carte de Tartarie 80/5670 Russia Carte de Tartarie
80/5670 [Russia]. "Carte de Tartarie". Engr. map w. handcol. borders by G. DE L'ISLE, 48,5x63,5 cm., Paris, G. de L'Isle, "sur le Quai de l'Horloge à l'Aigle d'Or", 1706 [= after 1707].

- Trifle yellowed; right upper (blank) corner repaired.

= Covering Ukraine and Baltics in the west and China, Korea, and the Pacific Ocean in the east, centered on Siberia and Independent Tartary; Nova Zembla joined with the mainland.

"La Russie Blanche ou Moscovie, divisée suivant l'Estendue des Royaumes, Duchés, Principautés, Provinces, et Peuples, qui sont presentement soubs la domination du Czar de la Russie, cogneu soubs le nom de Grand Duc de Moscovie." Contemp. handcol. engr. map by N. SANSON, cartouche, engr. Latin title "Russiae albae (...)" above, 48,5x58 cm., (Amst.), P. Schenk, ±1700.

- Some vague foxing; a few sm. (burn)holes.

€ (150-250) 150
80/5671 Russia  Moscoviae pars australis 80/5671 Russia Moscoviae pars australis
80/5671 Russia  Moscoviae pars australis 80/5671 Russia Moscoviae pars australis
80/5671 [Russia]. "Moscoviae pars australis." Engr. map by I. MASSA, 3 (dec.) cartouches, 38,5x50 cm., Amst., J. Janssonius, ±1640.

- Sl. browned/ foxed; lower part middle fold strengthened w. sellotape on verso.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 1802:1.1.

"Tartaria sive magni Chami Imperium." Engr. map, 2 dec. cartouches, 38x50 cm., without address (Amst., J. Janssonius), ±1640.

- Vague oblique fold in left part; a few sm. (closed) holes in lower part of middle fold; dam. spot in lower right corner.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 8050:1B.

€ (80-100) 90
80/5672 Russia  Nouvelle Carte de la Petite Tartarie ou Taurie montrant les Frontieres de l'Imperatrice de Russie et l'Empereur des Turcs tant en Europe qu'en Asie 80/5672 Russia Nouvelle Carte de la Petite Tartarie ou Taurie montrant les Frontieres de l'Imperatrice de Russie et l'Empereur des Turcs tant en Europe qu'en Asie
80/5672 [Russia]. "Nouvelle Carte de la Petite Tartarie ou Taurie, montrant les Frontieres de l'Imperatrice de Russie, et l'Empereur des Turcs, tant en Europe qu'en Asie." Contemp. handcol. engr. map by G. DE L'ISLE, rectangular legend, 49x60 cm., Amst., R. and J. Ottens, 1792.

- Laid down on mount; under passepartout; trifle browned.

= Fine map of the Black Sea, showing the surrounding regions including portions of present-day Turkey, Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and the Sea of Azov.

€ (150-250) 230
80/5673 Russia  Partie Meridionale de Moscovie 80/5673 Russia Partie Meridionale de Moscovie
80/5673 [Russia]. "Partie Meridionale de Moscovie." Contemp. handcol. engr. map after G. DE L'ISLE, 41,5x55 cm., Amst., I.B. Elwe, 1792. - ADDED: 14 large partly contemp. handcol. engr. maps (mainly) of European countries (from A.H. DUFOUR, Atlas Universel, ±1850).
€ (100-150) 110
80 5674 Russia  Russiae Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio 80 5674 Russia Russiae Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio
80/5674 [Russia]. "Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio." Contemp. handcol. engr. map by A. JENKINSON, w. cartouches and vignettes, 34,5x44 cm., from A. ORTELIUS, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, ±1600, framed.

- Not examined outside frame; browned; prob. w. tear in central fold near lower edge.

= Van den Broecke 162 ("interesting folkore on eating, religion, and "burial" of the dead in trees in texts and pictures on the right hand side of the plate"); Van der Krogt/ Koeman IIIB, 1800:31.

€ (200-300) 450
80 5675 Russia St Petersburg  Plan von St Petersburg  1854 80 5675 Russia St Petersburg Plan von St Petersburg 1854
80 5675 Russia St Petersburg  Plan von St Petersburg  1854 80 5675 Russia St Petersburg Plan von St Petersburg 1854
80/5675 [Russia. St. Petersburg]. "Plan von St. Petersburg (...) 1854". Steelengr. plan flanked by 16 small and 2 larger views, 35x48,5 cm., from J. MEYER, Grosser Hand-Atlas, ±1845.

- Laid down on mount; dampstained (mostly along margins); lacks sm. portion in small right view (filled in w. pencil). Sold w.a.f.

€ (50-70) 275
80/5676 Scotland  Edinburgo 80/5676 Scotland Edinburgo
80/5676 Scotland  Edinburgo 80/5676 Scotland Edinburgo
80/5676 [Scotland]. "Edinburgo". Woodcut view, 10x18,2 cm., on a textleaf from S. MÜNSTER, Cosmographia, 1550. - AND a small map from the same work: "Anglia".
€ (80-100) 80
80/5677 Scotland  The Gleneagles Map of the Heart of Scotland shewing 5 000 square miles of the Highlands & Lowlands around Gleneagles Hotel 80/5677 Scotland The Gleneagles Map of the Heart of Scotland shewing 5 000 square miles of the Highlands & Lowlands around Gleneagles Hotel
80/5677 Scotland  The Gleneagles Map of the Heart of Scotland shewing 5 000 square miles of the Highlands & Lowlands around Gleneagles Hotel 80/5677 Scotland The Gleneagles Map of the Heart of Scotland shewing 5 000 square miles of the Highlands & Lowlands around Gleneagles Hotel
80/5677 [Scotland]. "The Gleneagles Map of the Heart of Scotland, shewing 5.000 square miles of the Highlands & Lowlands around Gleneagles Hotel". Col. lithogr. map within oval decorative border w. 4 cornerpieces (showing the Gleneagles Hotel and London Midland & Scottish Railway Company) by McCORQUODALE & CO., 77x105 cm., sm. inset map of Great Britain, folded in orig. clothbacked board covers, Edinb., W. & A.K. Johnston, ±1930.

= Promotional map of Southern Scotland, with the famous Gleneagles Hotel located in the centre.

€ (100-150)
80/5678 Solar system  Sphaera armillaris Instrumentum artificiale Orrery ab inventore appellatum 80/5678 Solar system Sphaera armillaris Instrumentum artificiale Orrery ab inventore appellatum
80/5678 [Solar system]. "Sphaera armillaris. Instrumentum artificiale Orrery ab inventore appellatum." Contemp. handcol. engr. w. 4 engr. explanatory text columns below (2 for the sphere and 2 for the orrery, both in Latin and German), 48,2x57,2 cm., Augsg. T.C. Lotter, 1774.

- Trifle foxed and sl. age-toned. Otherwise fine. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXII.

€ (300-500)
80/5679 South America  Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan 80/5679 South America Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan
80/5679 [South America]. "Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan". Handcol. engr. map, 2 cartouches and 2 compass roses, 38x49,5 cm., Amst., J. Janssonius, ±1640.

- Slightly mouldy/ frayed along outer blank margins; crease along middle fold.

= Shows present day Colombia and Panama. Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 9810:1.

€ (60-80) 110