Page 1808 of 1848 Results 36141 - 36160 of 36952
80/5680 South America  Von den Landern Americe 80/5680 South America Von den Landern Americe
80/5680 South America  Von den Landern Americe 80/5680 South America Von den Landern Americe
80/5680 South America  Von den Landern Americe 80/5680 South America Von den Landern Americe
80/5680 South America  Von den Landern Americe 80/5680 South America Von den Landern Americe
80/5680 South America  Von den Landern Americe 80/5680 South America Von den Landern Americe
80/5680 South America  Von den Landern Americe 80/5680 South America Von den Landern Americe
80/5680 [South America]. "Von den Landern Americe." Five woodcut views, various sizes, each on a leaf (recto/ verso) from S. MÜNSTER, Cosmographia, 1628 (occas. sl. dustsoiled). "Ein Paraquarier." "Ein Peruaner." Two woodcut portraits, each ±20,5x13,5 cm., from E.W. HAPPEL, Thesaurus Exoticorum, late 17th cent. - AND 2 others: "Het verbranden van de stad Paita op de Kust van Santa Fee in de Zuid Zee" (engr. view, from G. ANSON, Reize rondom de werreld, ±1750) and a view of native Argentinians (engr. view by B. VAN DOETECUM, ±1619).
€ (60-80) 60
80 5681 Spain  Gades oder Cales Males durch die Englischen und Hollender eingenomen 80 5681 Spain Gades oder Cales Males durch die Englischen und Hollender eingenomen
80/5681 [Spain]. "Gades oder Cales Males durch die Englischen und Hollender eingenomen". Engr. battle-plan w. 4 columns of engr. text below, 21,2x28 cm., from F. HOGENBERG, Geschichtsblättern, 1596, framed.
€ (70-90) 80
80/5682 Spain  Granata et Murcia regna 80/5682 Spain Granata et Murcia regna
80/5682 [Spain]. "Granata et Murcia regna." Handcol. engr. map, 2 dec. cartouches and 2 coats of arms, 2 compass roses, a naval battle, 37,5x49,5 cm., W. and J. Blaeu, 1635.

- Doubled w. Japanese; some closed tears, i.a. along middle fold. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 6130:2.

€ (60-80) 60
80/5683 Spain  Regnorum Castellae novae Andalusiae Granadae Valentiae et Murciae 80/5683 Spain Regnorum Castellae novae Andalusiae Granadae Valentiae et Murciae
80/5683 [Spain]. "Regnorum Castellae novae Andalusiae Granadae Valentiae et Murciae". Handcol. engr. map w. cartouche, 50x59,7 cm., Amst., F. de Wit, ±1670.

= An impressive map of Southern Spain.

€ (150-250)
80 5684 Spain  Toletum Vallisoletum 80 5684 Spain Toletum Vallisoletum
80/5684 [Spain]. "Toletum". "Vallisoletum". Two handcol. engr. bird's eye views by J. HOEFNAGEL on 1 leaf, 33x48 cm. (total size), from BRAUN/ HOGENBERG, Civitates Orbis Terrarum, ±1575.

- Middle fold w. closed split at both ends; sm. waterstain in centre upper edge image.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman IV-2/2, 4354: 2nd state (of 3).

€ (120-150) 120
80/5685 Spain  Utriusque Castiliae nova descriptio 80/5685 Spain Utriusque Castiliae nova descriptio
80/5685 [Spain]. "Utriusque Castiliae nova descriptio." Handcol. engr. map, heightened w. gold, 3 cartouches and 3 coats of arms, 41x50 cm., Amst., Blaeu, 1634.

- Two (unobtrusive) tiny holes/ thin paper areas.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 6055:2. Rare first edition of Blaeu's map of Castile.

€ (80-100) 80
80/5686 Spain  Valentiae Regni olim Contestanorum Si Ptolemaeo Edentanorum Si Plinio Credimus Typus 80/5686 Spain Valentiae Regni olim Contestanorum Si Ptolemaeo Edentanorum Si Plinio Credimus Typus
80/5686 [Spain]. "Valentiae Regni, olim Contestanorum Si Ptolemaeo, Edentanorum Si Plinio Credimus Typus". Handcol. engr. map, elaborate title-cartouche and 2 smaller cartouches, 2 ships, 34,5x49,5 cm., from A. ORTELIUS, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, before 1584/ 1592.

- Trifle yellowed; vaguely waterst. along middle fold.

= Van den Broecke 29: "Approx. number of copies printed: few. Only three found so far"; not in Van der Krogt/ Koeman. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXII.

€ (200-300) 200
80/5687 Switzerland  Burgundia Ducatus 80/5687 Switzerland Burgundia Ducatus
80/5687 Switzerland  Burgundia Ducatus 80/5687 Switzerland Burgundia Ducatus
80/5687 Switzerland  Burgundia Ducatus 80/5687 Switzerland Burgundia Ducatus
80/5687 [Switzerland]. "Burgundia Ducatus." Engr. map, title-cartouche, 33x46 cm., from MERCATOR-HONDIUS, Atlas, 1630.

= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 4870:1A.

ADDED: (Franche-Comté). Engr. map, cartouche, 35x45,5 cm., from MERCATOR-HONDIUS, Atlas, 1630.

- Two closed tears in lower (blank) margin. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 4880:1A.

AND 1 other from the same atlas: "Lotharingia Ducatus".

€ (80-100)
80 5688 Switzerland Basel  Vue de la Ville de Basle 80 5688 Switzerland Basel Vue de la Ville de Basle
80 5688 Switzerland Basel  Vue de la Ville de Basle 80 5688 Switzerland Basel Vue de la Ville de Basle
80/5688 [Switzerland. Basel]. "Vue de la Ville de Basle". Contemp. handcol. copper engr. view after J.J. BIEDERMAN, 39,5x57 cm., "dessiné et publié par J. Biderman peintre à Berne" below, ±1800, framed.

- Browned; sl. nibbled by silverfish in skyarea. Not examined outside of frame.

€ (300-500)
80/5689 Turkey  Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam Asiam et Africam 80/5689 Turkey Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam Asiam et Africam
80/5689 [Turkey]. "Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam, Asiam, et Africam". Partly handcol. engr. map, w. nice cartouche after A. DRENTWEL JR., 49,5x58 cm., Augsb., M. Seutter, ±1745.

- Some foxing, especially blank margins.

= Decorative map of the Ottoman Empire, only the western part of northern Africa not depicted.

€ (150-250) 170
80/5690 Turkey  Nieuwe Zee Caart van de Propontis of Zee van Marmora met de Twee Straaten Hellespont en't Naauw van Constantinopolen 80/5690 Turkey Nieuwe Zee Caart van de Propontis of Zee van Marmora met de Twee Straaten Hellespont en't Naauw van Constantinopolen
80/5690 [Turkey]. "Nieuwe Zee-Caart van de Propontis of Zee van Marmora met de Twee Straaten Hellespont en't Naauw van Constantinopolen." Engr. chart by P. MOL, circular title-cartouche, large central compass rose, 39,5x65 cm., Amst., Van Keulen en Zoonen, ±1770.

- Browned; partly doubled.

= Rare map after the English map by P.D. BOHN, showing the Sea of Marmora and its surrounding regions, including Constantinople, Hellespont, the Dardeanelle Strait and the contiguous parts of Turkey and Greece.

€ (100-150) 160
80/5691 Turkey  Turcicum Imperium 80/5691 Turkey Turcicum Imperium
80/5691 [Turkey]. "Turcicum Imperium". Handcol. engr. map, elaborate cartouche, ships, 41x52 cm., Amst., J. Janssonius, ±1650.

- Trifle dustsoiled; middle fold splitting at top; otherwise fine. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 8100:1B.2.

€ (200-300) 300
80/5692 Vietnam  Land Charte des Konigreichs Tunquin 80/5692 Vietnam Land Charte des Konigreichs Tunquin
80/5692 [Vietnam]. "Land-Charte des Konigreichs Tunquin". Engr. map by M. HAFFNER, dec. cartouche, many ships, large compass rose, 16,2x20,8 cm., Augsburg, D. Tavernier, ±1680.

- A few vague brownish stains. = The scarce German edition of Tavernier's map of Indo-China.

€ (150-250)
80/5693 Worldmaps  Globus Terrestris ad sphaeram obliquam delineatus Globus Coelestis cum Astrodictico artificiali iunctis 80/5693 Worldmaps Globus Terrestris ad sphaeram obliquam delineatus Globus Coelestis cum Astrodictico artificiali iunctis
80/5693 [Worldmaps]. "Globus Terrestris ad sphaeram obliquam delineatus. Globus Coelestis cum Astrodictico artificiali iunctis." Contemp. handcol. engraving w. 4 engr. explanatory text columns below (2 for each globe, both in Latin and German), 57x48,5 cm., Augsb., T.C. Lotter, 1774.

- Trifle yellowed. Otherwise fine. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIII.

€ (500-700)
80 5694 Worldmaps  Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis Utrumque Hemisphaerum Orient et Occidentale repraesentans 80 5694 Worldmaps Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis Utrumque Hemisphaerum Orient et Occidentale repraesentans
80/5694 [Worldmaps]. "Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis Utrumque Hemisphaerum Orient. et Occidentale repraesentans". Contemp. handcol. engr. double-hemisphere map by J.M. HASIUS and G.M. LOWITZ, engr. by S. DORN, w. 2 large title-cartouches, 4 (oblique) projections of the polar regions and 2 small maps showing the illumination of the earth by the sun in summer and winter, 44,5x52,5 cm., Nürnb., Homann Heirs, 1746.

- Trifle yellowed; nevertheless an attractive map.

= Impressive and decorative map, the title-cartouches (one in Latin and one in French) with mythical sea creatures, plants and animals.

€ (400-600) 500
80/5695 Worldmaps  Typus Orbis Terrarum 80/5695 Worldmaps Typus Orbis Terrarum
80/5695 [Worldmaps]. "Typus Orbis Terrarum". Engr. oval map by I. HONDIUS, dec. borders, titled above and "Domini est Terra et Plenitudo eius" below, 8x12 cm., on a textleaf from P. MERULA, Cosmographia Universalis, 1605.

- Fine. = Shirley 254.

€ (150-250) 160
80/5696 Worldmaps  Typus Orbis Terrarum 80/5696 Worldmaps Typus Orbis Terrarum
80/5696 [Worldmaps]. "Typus Orbis Terrarum". Handcol. engr. double-hemisphere worldmap, dec. border incorporating symbols for the sun, moon and the four elements and Hebrew letters in the center, 16,7x25 cm., Frankf., M. Merian, 1641, framed.

- Nicely handcol.; a few foxed spots; overall fine. = Shirley 356A. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIII.

€ (400-600)
80/5697 Worldmaps  Worldmap with Portraits of Ferdinand Magellan Willem Schouten Francis Drake Thomas Cavendish Olivier van Noort and Joris van Spilbergen 80/5697 Worldmaps Worldmap with Portraits of Ferdinand Magellan Willem Schouten Francis Drake Thomas Cavendish Olivier van Noort and Joris van Spilbergen
80/5697 [Worldmaps]. (Worldmap with Portraits of Ferdinand Magellan, Willem Schouten, Francis Drake, Thomas Cavendish, Olivier van Noort and Joris van Spilbergen). Engr. worldmap, 17x19 cm., from W.C. SCHOUTEN, Journal, oder Beschreibung der wunderbaren Reise W. Schouten auss Hollandt, im Jahr 1615-17 (Frankf. a.M., 1619), framed.

= The map shows the trajectory of Schouten's voyage around the world and is one of a few variant maps published in the various editions of Schouten's book. This copy has replaced the ships Victoria and Eendracht in the upper left and right corner with the portraits of Francis Drake and Thomas Candish. Cf. Shirley 297.

€ (150-250)
80 5698 Aerssen van Ossendrecht H van 17th/ 18th cent  80 5698 Aerssen van Ossendrecht H van 17th/ 18th cent
80 5698 Aerssen van Ossendrecht H van 17th/ 18th cent  80 5698 Aerssen van Ossendrecht H van 17th/ 18th cent
80/5698 Aerssen van Ossendrecht, H. van (17th/ 18th cent.). (Female nude turning away). Drawing, red crayon, 30,8x18,8 cm., signed "H. v. Aerssen van Ossendrecht" in lower left corner. - WITH on verso another red crayon drawing attrib. to the same, (Woman with drapery).

- Foxed; marginal tears and remains of tape in outer corners. = On fine laid paper with "CDC" watermark.

€ (100-150)
80 5699 Anastasi Augustuste Paul 1820 1889 80 5699 Anastasi Augustuste Paul 1820 1889
80 5699 Anastasi Augustuste Paul 1820 1889 80 5699 Anastasi Augustuste Paul 1820 1889
80/5699 Anastasi, Augustuste Paul (1820-1889). "Fontainebleau 1842". Drawing, watercolour and pen and black ink, 10x16 cm., titled and dated in lower left corner. Lambinet, Émile (1815-1877). (Roches à Fontainebleau). Drawing, pen and black ink and watercolour, 10x16 cm.
€ (100-150) 160