1875 - 3189     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 22 of 66 Results 421 - 440 of 1315
76/2295 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2295 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2295 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2295 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2295 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. panelled vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within gilt double border w. armorial cornerpieces, gilt spine w. central fleuron in each compartment, folio. - ON: Brissonius, B. De verborum quae ad ius civile pertinent significatione (...) prodit opera studioque J.G. Heineccus. Ed. J.H. Böhmer. Halle/ Magdeburg, "Impensis Orphanotrophei", 1743, 2 parts in 1 vol., (10),XXXXVIII,760; 761-1436p., very fine engr. frontisp. depicting a library by J.C. SYSANG after G.A. GRÜNDLER.

- Without the prize; occas. browned. Lacks ties.

= Spoelder 4. Camus 497; Zischka p.178. Last and best edition of this very extensive juridical dictionary.

€ (200-300) 250
76/2296 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2296 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2296 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. vellum, central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within vegetal border w. armorial cornerpieces on both covers, gilt spine w. central fleuron in each compartment. - ON: Petavius, D. Rationarium Temporum (...) In quo aetatum omnium sacra profanaque Historia Chronologicis probationibus munita summatim traditur. Amst./ Leipsic, Arkstee/ Merken, 1745, new ed., 3 parts in 1 vol., (32),795 [= 805],(1); 312,(8); 259,(3)p., double-p. engr. frontisp., 7 (fold.) plates.

- Without the prize; occas. sl. foxed. Top of spine sl. bumped; lacks ties.

= Spoelder 8. Graesse V, p.218.

AND 2 similar vellum schoolprize bindings of UTRECHT: L.A. FLORUS, Epitome Rerum Romanarum (Leyden, 1722. Spoelder 3. Not collated) and PHAEDRUS, Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V (ibid., 1778. Spoelder 8. Not collated).

€ (80-100) 200
76/2297 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2297 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2297 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: full vellum w. the gilt coat of arms of the city of UTRECHT on both covers, surrounded by gilt tooled borders w. gilt sm. coats of arms of the city of Utrecht in corners, gilt spine. - ON: Suetonius Tranquillus, C. (Works). Ed. F. Oudendorp. Leyden, S. Luchtmans & Filios, 1751, (40),1024,(36)p., engr. frontisp., title-vignette, 12 plates, 1 heraldic ill.

- Without the prize; sm. stamp on title; partly waterstained, mainly in upper part. Small paper ticket at foot of spine; lacks ties; binding trifle warped.

= Spoelder 5; Dibdin II, p.443; Ebert 21938; Schweiger p.980: "Sein Erläuterungen bes. über d. Sprache sind höchst schätzbar".

€ (70-90) 70
76/2298 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2298 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2298 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2298 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2298 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within two gilt vegetal borders w. armorial cornerpieces on both covers, gilt spine w. fleuron in each compartment, 4to. - ON: Propertius, S.A. Elegiarum Libri IV. Ed. P. Burmannus and L. Santenius. Utr., B. Wild, 1780, (8),XIV,(2),990[= 996],(2)p., 1 engr. textill.

- Without the prize; occas. sl. foxed. Binding yellowed/ foxed; lacks 3 (of 4) ties.

= Spoelder 6. On the contents see Schweiger p.831: "Diese schätzbare Ausg. soll schon längst nicht mehr im Handel zu haben sein".

AND 1 other similar schoolprize binding of Utrecht (contemp. vellum w. gilt central coat of arms of UTRECHT within vegetal border w. armorial corner pieces on both covers, gilt spine. Spoelder 8. Binding soiled; lacks ties).

€ (100-150) 110
76/2299 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2299 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2299 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within gilt floral border w. armorial cornerpieces on both covers, gilt spine. - ON: Eutropius. Breviarium Historiae Romanae, cum metaphrasi Graeca Paeanii (...). Ed. H. Verheyk. Leyden, S. and J. Luchtmans, 1793, (2),LIV,(76),772,(88)p.

- Without the prize; owner's entry on upper pastedown; occas. (sl.) foxed. Binding soiled; lacks ties.

= Spoelder 8. On the contents: Schweiger p.349; Dibdin II, p.4.

AND 1 similar vellum schoolprize binding: central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within gilt fillet line border w. corner fleurons on both covers (on: PHAEDRUS, Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V, 1698. Spoelder 5. Owner's entry on first free endpaper; sl. foxed/ browned. Binding soiled/ stained; lacks ties).

€ (80-100) 150
76/2300 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2300 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2300 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within gilt border w. armorial cornerpieces on both covers, gilt spine w. fleuron in each compartment. - ON: Eutropius. Breviarium Historiae Romanae, cum metaphrasi Graeca Paeanii (...). Ed. H. Verheyk. Leyden, S. and J. Luchtmans, 1793, (2),LIV,(76),772,(88)p.

- Without the prize; bookplate on first free endpaper; occas. (sl.) foxed. Backcover sl. stained; (library) ticket on spine; lacks ties.

= Spoelder 7. On the contents: Schweiger p.349; Dibdin II, p.4.

AND 1 similar vellum schoolprize binding: central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within gilt double fillet line border w. corner fleurons on both covers (on: VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae, 1719. Spoelder 3. Without the prize. Binding soiled/ stained; lacks ties).

€ (80-100) 100
76/2301 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2301 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2301 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. vellum w. the gilt coat of arms of the city of UTRECHT on both covers, surrounded by gilt double borders w. gilt sm. coats of arms of the city of Utrecht in corners, gilt spine w. repeated gilt tooled ornament in each compartment. - ON: Euripides. Tragoedia Phoenissae. Ed. H. Grotius and L.C. Valckenaer. Leyden, S. and J. Luchtmans, 1802, 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),XXIII,(1),452; 196p., Greek and Latin text.

- Without the prize. Lacks ties; vellum sl. soiled.

= Spoelder 6; Meulen/ Diermanse 500.

€ (100-150) 100
76/2302 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2302 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2302 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. vellum w. gilt central coat of arms of UTRECHT on both covers, surrounded by gilt border w. corner fleurons w. the coat of arms of Utrecht and w. gilt spine. - ON: Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. Carmina Bucolica. Leyden, A. and I. Honkoop, 1810, (16),567p., engr. frontisp.

- Lacks ties. Fine copy.

= Spoelder 7. th the prize to Jacobus Adolphus Carolus Rovers, dated "6. septemb. 1816". Hoffmann III, p.483.

AND another Utrecht schoolprize binding: contemp. vellum w. gilt central coat of arms of Utrecht on both covers, surrounded by double gilt border w. corner fleurons in corners of inner border, large 4to (vellum sl. duststained; lacks ties. Spoelder 6). - ON: C.G. BRETSCHNEIDER, Lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum in Libros Novi Testamenti (Leipsic, 1840, 3rd ed. Foxed throughout).

€ (100-150) 150
76/2303 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Utrecht 76/2303 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Utrecht
76/2303 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Utrecht: contemp. vellum, central gilt coat of arms of UTRECHT within gilt border w. armorial cornerpieces on both covers, gilt spine w. central fleuron in each compartment. - ON: Herodotus. Musae sive Historiarum Libri IX. Ed. J. Schweighäuser. London, T. Davison, 1830, XV,(1),779,(1)p., engr. frontisp.

- Without the prize; occas. sl. foxed. Vellum trifle soiled; lacks 3 (of 4) ties. = Spoelder 8.

AND 2 similar vellum schoolprize bindings of UTRECHT: C. NEPOS, Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum(Leyden, 1773. Spoelder 7. With the "gratiarum actio"; not collated) and EUTROPIUS, Breviarium Historiae Romanae (ibid., 1793. Spoelder 8. Not collated).

€ (80-100) 180
76/2304 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Veere 76/2304 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Veere
76/2304 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Veere 76/2304 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Veere
76/2304 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Veere: contemp. vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of ORANJE-NASSAU on frontcover, central gilt coat of arms of VEERE w. ornamental border reading "Preys van Naarstigheid" on backcover, silk ties. - ON: De la Ruë, P. De Christelyke geloofsbelydenis, en het gebed des Heeren, in rym uitgebreid. Middelburg, M. Schryver, 1729, (28),249,(1)p., engr. title-vignette.

- Without the prize; first/ final 2 quires (sl.) waterst. in lower corner/ (outer) margin. Lacks one tie.

= Spoelder p.692, 2: "De perkamenten schoolprijzen voor leerlingen die niet op de Latijnse school zaten, werden in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw met twee verschillende wapens bestempeld: op het voorplat het Oranje-wapen en op het achterplat het stadswapen en de vermelding "Preys voor naarstigheid"(...) omdat de Prins van Oranje ook markies van Veere was." Cf. Spoelder Breda 3; Veere 1.

€ (100-150) 220
76/2305 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Veere 76/2305 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Veere
76/2305 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Veere 76/2305 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Veere
76/2305 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Veere: contemp. vellum w. gilt coat of arms of VEERE w. gilt ornamental border reading "Preys van Naarstigheid" on frontcover, w. gilt. coat of arms of Willem V on backcover, silk ties. - ON: Abrégé de toutes les sciences à l'usage des enfans. Amst., J. van Selm, 1779, 6th ed., (4),140p., 9 engr. plates (1 fold.).

- Pastedowns loose; sl. waterstained; sm. ticket on verso first free endpaper. Vellum sl. yellowed and waterstained.

= Spoelder p.692, 2: "De perkamenten schoolprijzen voor leerlingen die niet op de Latijnse school zaten, werden in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw met twee verschillende wapens bestempeld: op het voorplat het Oranje-wapen en op het achterplat het stadswapen en de vermelding "Preys voor naarstigheid"(...) omdat de Prins van Oranje ook markies van Veere was." Cf. Spoelder Breda 3; Veere 1. With manuscript prize to "Elisabeth Montaan" dated 1781.

€ (100-150) 100
76/2306 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen 76/2306 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen
76/2306 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen 76/2306 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen
76/2306 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen: contemp. overlapping vellum w. on frontcover "Gymnasii Flissingani Praemium" and on backcover "Anno 1651", on both covers central coat of arms of the Seven Provinces(?), within gilt double fillet line, spine w. repeated gilt double fillet line, sm. 8vo. - ON: Petrarca, F. De remediis utriusque Fortunae, libri duo. Rott., A. Leers, 1649, (36),824,(26)p., engr. frontisp., woodcut printer's mark on title-p.

- Gilding trifle worn off backcover; lacks ties.

= Not in Spoelder. Very curious binding with central coat of arms entirely in reverse. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIII.

€ (200-300) 750
76 2307 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen 76 2307 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen
76 2307 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen 76 2307 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen
76/2307 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen: contemp. vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of VLISSINGEN within gilt border w. corner fleurons on both covers, gilt spine w. red mor. letterpiece. - ON: Florus, L.A. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. Leyden, S. Luchtmans, 1744, (58),858[= 876],(122),39[= 47],(1)p., engr. frontisp., fold. map, full-p. ill.

- Owner's stamp on title-p.; map loose (fine). Lacks ties.

= Spoelder 4. With the prize to Henricus Booms, dated December 1770 and signed by rector D. van Cruisselbergen; with the "Gratiarum actio" by the first, addressed to the "Nobilissimi Scholarum Curatores Viri Gravissimi", on the first free endpaper. Schweiger p.363.

AND one other similar schoolprize binding of Vlissingen (Spoelder 4).

€ (100-150) 275
76/2308 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen 76/2308 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen
76/2308 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Vlissingen: contemp. vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of VLISSINGEN within gilt double fillet border w. corner fleurons on both covers, gilt spine w. red mor. letterpiece. - ON: Velleius Paterculus, C. Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae. Ed. P. Burmannus. Rott., Leyden, J.D. Beman and Son, 1756, 2nd rev. enl. ed., (40),748,(120)p., engr. frontisp. by F. VAN BLEYSWYK after H. VAN DER MY.

- Without the prize; owner's stamp on first free endpaper. Binding sl. soiled/ stained; lacks ties.

= Spoelder 4. On the contents: Schweiger p.1129; cf. Dibdin II, p.525: "(...) contain[s] the pure text of the editio princeps, and the best notes of all the preceding editors".

€ (80-100) 110
76 2309 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Wageningen 76 2309 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Wageningen
76 2309 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Wageningen 76 2309 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Wageningen
76/2309 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Wageningen: full mottled calf w. central gilt vignette w. coat of arms of Wageningen on both covers within gilt border, gilt fleurons in the corners, richly gilt spine w. mor. letterpiece. - ON: Rosinus, J. Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. Ed. T. Dempsteri. Amst., S. Schouten, 1743, (14),956,(30)p., engr. frontisp., title-vignette, 8 fold. plates (incl. a plan of ancient Rome), 4to.

- Lvs. occas. sl. browned. Binding w. chafed spots on both covers.

= Spoelder 1. Schoolprize awarded to "Cornelius Adrianus van den Honert", dated 1778. Cf. Schweiger p.363 (other eds.); Brunet IV, p.1398.

AND 1 other schoolprize binding with the same coat of arms (poor binding).

€ (150-250) 150
76/2310 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Wageningen 76/2310 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Wageningen
76/2310 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Wageningen: contemp. calf w. gilt coat of arms of WAGENINGEN surrounded by a vegetal border w. corner fleurons on both covers, gilt spine, sm. 8vo. - ON: Caesar, C.J. De Civili, Alexandrino, Africano, & Hispaniensi Bello Commentarii. Ed. F. Oudendorp. Leyden, S. and J. Luchtmans, 1773, (4),538,(64)p., engr. frontisp.

- Owner's entry on upper pastedown and on title-p. Lacks letterpiece; 2 dam./ burnt spots along coat of arms on verso. Otherwise fine.

= Spoelder 1; Schweiger p.48.

€ (100-150)
76/2311 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Weesp 76/2311 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Weesp
76/2311 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Weesp: contemp. vellum w. gilt central coat of arms of WEESP on both covers w. gilt vegetal border and corner pieces, gilt spine. - ON: Velleius Paterculus, C. Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae. Ed. P. Burmannus. Leyden, S. Luchtmans, 1744, 2 parts in 1 vol., (38),747,(122)p., woodcut printer's mark, engr. frontisp. by F. VAN BLEYSWYK after H. VAN DER MY.

- Without the prize; engr. frontisp. loosening. Vellum dustsoiled; lacks ties; gilding on backstrip for the larger part faded.

= Spoelder 5 (not dating it before 1781); Dibdin II, p.525: "(...) contain[s] the pure text of the editio princeps, and the best notes of all the preceding editors"; Schweiger p.1129.

€ (60-80) 100
76/2312 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Weesp 76/2312 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Weesp
76/2312 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Weesp: contemp. vellum w. gilt coat of arms of WEESP on both covers within double gilt floral border w. corners daffodils, richly gilt spine w. red leather lettepiece, folio. - ON: Simson, E. Chronicon historiam catholicam complectens. Ed. P. Wesseling. Amst., Widow and Son of S. Schouten, 1752, (16),1716(numb. in columns),(50)p., engr. title by J. WANDELAAR.

- Without the prize. Vellum dustsoiled; lacks ties; letterpiece chipped.

= Spoelder 5 (not dating it before 1781). Rare schoolprize of Weesp.

€ (100-150) 100
76/2313 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Zaltbommel 76/2313 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Zaltbommel
76/2313 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Zaltbommel: contemp. vellum w. central gilt coat of arms of ZALTBOMMEL on both covers, gilt spine, 4to. - ON: Hè palaia diathèkè (...) Vetus Testamentum (...). Ed. L. Bos. Franeker, F. Halma, 1709, 2 parts in 1 vol., (40),724; (2),725-1326p., engr. frontisp., 5 fold. maps/ plans/ plates (incl. worldmap), Greek text.

- Without the prize; sm. stamp on title; yellowed. Covers sl. soiled and gilding partly worn away; ties lacking.

= Spoelder 3. A very rare schoolprize. Darlow/ Moule 4726.

€ (200-300) 250
76/2314 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Zierikzee 76/2314 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Zierikzee
76/2314 Bindings  Schoolprize binding of Zierikzee 76/2314 Bindings Schoolprize binding of Zierikzee
76/2314 [Bindings]. Schoolprize binding of Zierikzee: contemp. vellum w. the gilt coat of arms of ZIERIKZEE within gilt floral border, gilt spine. - ON: Curtius Rufus, G. Alexander Magnus. Ed. S. Pitiscus. The Hague, P. van Thol, 1708, 3rd ed., (68),855,(169)p., engr. frontisp. by J. VAN DEN AVELEN after G. HOET, 16 engr. (fold) maps/ plans/ views and plates by J. VAN DEN AVELEN.

- Lacks the portrait of Pitiscus. Lacks ties; vellum sl. soiled. = Spoelder 3; Schweiger p.322.

AND a gilt vellum schoolprize binding of GOES: the second volume only of A. PETRAEUS, Stichtelyke Gedichten (without prize and without ties; vellum duststained and gilding almost worn off. Spoelder 2).

€ (60-80) 130