- A few tiny wormholes, otherwise contents fine. Binding worn.
= Attractive gouaches mainly showing crocodile-, deer- and tiger-hunting scenes (3x scenes of hunters(?) and their masters seated and resting on a terrace). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIV.
AND a printed 20th century Persian book w. 10 gouaches of hunting scenes (modern hcl. Gouaches painted over printed text, and partly cut short).
- Blank margins and corners partly strengthened w. paper.
= The two top scenes show two men in a rural scene. The four other scenes show a prince(?) with his lover. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIV.
AND 6 other Persian miniatures, including two other courtly scenes with an amorous couple and a hunting scene.
= Probably by 3 different artists. Including 2 curious drawings showing Japanese looking couples.
- Partly waterstained and/ or frayed in margins.
= Includes scene with a man hanging from a tree by his feet and being flogged to his soles, while another man is dragged from a pool; a scene with a sleeping man being attacked by a dragon, his companions looking on in fear and, finally, a tournament scene in which two horsemen fight each other, with musicians and soldiers in the background.
= Incredibly intricate design. Perhaps intended as endpapers for books.
AND 3 other similar decorated sheets, all w. vertical fold and w. sm. defects.
= Rare, one copy found in the Metropolitan Museum. Ranshû was a pupil of Shunshô (1726-1792).
Shunshô (1726-1792). (Scene from the tale of Genji). Col. woodcut, 21,5x15,7 cm., signed Katsukawa Shunshô.
- Sl. soiled.
- Sl. foxed; cut sl. short on all margins (34,7x34,5 cm.)
- Narrow fold in lower left margin of image (printing flaw).
- Bindings and chemise sl. dam. by silverfish; upper joints chemise split(ting); one clasp broken.
= Image accompanied by classical 'waka' poetry.
Aigai, Takaku (1796-1843). (Nature studies). Makimono, horizontal picture handscroll w. 5 drawings, brush and black ink and grey wash/ watercolour, w. stamps, each ±24x35,5 cm., backed at one end w. brocade silk, rolled on two jikugi, in orig. wooden box w. hashira-title and Japanese text in brush and ink on verso lid.
- Creased.
AND 1 larger makimono.
- Some creases and closed wormholes; silk frayed at edges; new ribbon.
= All pictures showing people, i.a. samurai warriors and oni.
AND 3 others, i.a. an earlier, anonymous makimono, possibly unfinished, showing people and a monkey, on unbacked paper (±28x276 cm.).
- Both with various defects outside the image, i.a. foxing and a few tears in margins.
- Some (closed and open) wormholes in image of all three scrolls (partly unobtrusive); all three scrolls w. horizontal creases.
- Scattered faded specks. Possibly a later copy.
AND two others showing mountainous landscapes.
- One scroll w. big wormholes in paper (not affecting image); the other w. a few sm. wormholes; both scrolls borders creased.
Toyohiko, Okamoto (1773-1845). (Xi Wangmu). Kakejiku (hanging scroll), handpainted on paper within dec. silk border, 113x36 cm. (image), 183,5x51,5 cm. (total size), signed Toyohiko w. artist's stamp, rolled on jikugi, in wooden box.
- Image creased.
- Both modern reprints.
AND 4 others, all reprints, i.a. by SHUNSHÔ.
- Cut to the image; weak/ chafed spots near left edge.
Hiroshige (1797-1858). (Higo Province, Gokanoshô). Vertical col. woodcut chuban, signed Hiroshige hitsu.
- Later (20th cent.?) restrike chuban edition.
= Part of the series Rokujûyoshû meisho zue (Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces).
AND ±40 other small Japanese prints, partly taken from e-hon, i.a. by Hiroshige and G. Okuyama.
- With dedication on first free endpaper; each woodcut w. neatly written English translation of the Japanese caption below the print (as in the other copies traced by us). Frontcover loose. Otherwise fine.
= Ikeda Shôen was one of the most promising students of Mizuno Toshikata, but her premature death limited her oeuvre. The present series is remarkable for its use of silverprinting. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LV.