= Knuttel 23611; Saakes 6, p.3. Report on the pandemonium created by the leaving of the French troups from the Netherlands after their defeat in Germany, giving a short account of the events before and after they left, the riots and the recovery of the order due to the resistance of good fellow citizens.
Geloofsbelydenis van de Herstelde Luthersche Gemeente binnen Amsteldam. Ibid., J. Ammeling, 1792, VIII,64p., contemp. boards.
- Bookplate on verso frontcover.
AND 32 other (mainly small) publications concerning Amsterdam, i.a. 15 (for the larger part 19th cent.) publications concerning the "Luthersche Gemeente" or "Luthersche Kerk" and M. KALFF, Amsterdam in plaatjes en praatjes (Amst., 1878, 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., 1 fold. col. lithogr. plan, 16 col./ tinted plates, 1 fold. facs., orig. gilt and dec. cl., large 8vo).
- Title-leaf sl. frayed and w. large (closed) tear. Spine of portfolio dam.
= Hameleers p.137-149; d'Ailly 533. "Uit de vorige eeuw kennen we de buurtkaarten. De verdeling in buurten werd in 1851 ingesteld, waarna een aantal uitgevers atlassen op de markt bracht waarin van iedere buurt een kaart was opgenomen. De belangrijkste is wel die van J.C. Loman. Zijn in 1876 in druk verschenen atlas, waarin we alle buurten vinden op een schaal van 1:1250, geeft ook een perceelsgewijze indeling, waarbij de in 1875 ingevoerde en nog steeds in gebruik zijnde huisnummering is aangegeven. Ook wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen publieke gebouwen, kerken, woonhuizen, pakhuizen en "gebouwde eigendommen der Gemeente, niet tot de publieke dienst bestemd". Verder vinden we op deze kaarten de brandschellen, lantaarns, urinoirs, riolen en de "tramway"." (Hofman, Amsterdam. Burgerwijkkaarten, p.I).
- Occas. sl. foxed. Bindings sl. stained. Otherwise a good/ fine copy in a DE LUXE binding (not traced).
= Incl. the facsimile (in 9 fold. lvs.) of the large wallmap by B. Florensz van Berckenrode.
- Waterst. in inner margin throughout. Covers worn; spine strengthened w. paper.
AND 4 others, i.a. A. CAPADOSE, Omstandig verhaal van de wederroeping der benoeming van den heer Hermanus Brasz, als ouderling der Nederlandsche Hervormde Gemeente te Amsterdam (ibid., 1825, contemp. wr.) and VERSLAG DER FEESTVIERING bij het driehonderd jarig bestaan van het Burger-Weeshuis der stad Amsterdam (ibid., 1830, engr. title, later wr.).
- Slipcase vol. 1 lacks top.
= One of 20 Roman numbered copies in full gilt calf, t.e.g., matching slipcases.
- All vols. w. bookplate on upper pastedown.
- Envelope dam. (lacks bottom flap).
= Nice world exhibition souvenir. Eight plates devoted to pavilions concerning the Dutch colonies.
AND 3 views and a plan of Amsterdam, all 18th cent., all w. minor defects. - ADDED: an anonymous drawing (Village view) (watercolour, 12,5x17,5 cm., late 18th/ early 19th cent.).
= I. Amsterdam Burgerweeshuis; II. Het R.C. Maagdenhuis en het St. Elisabeth-gesticht.
AND 19 others on Amsterdam and architecture.
- All vols. w. bookplate on upper pastedown.
- Several owner's entries on free endpapers and htitle, i.a. of Franciskus Brasseler (1788-1860) and his 'housewife' Katriena Teewisse. Free endpapers mounted to pastedowns; hinges weak; (sl.) soiled/ stained/ dogeared; a few lvs. w. a sm. paper tab in upper corner. Joints splitting at top and foot of spine; backstrip/ letterpiece worn/ dam.; calf worn off at upper edge; corners showing.
= Funck p.359. The best account of the so-called miracle of Amsterdam (1345). With dedication to Peter Paul Rubens (8p.).
- Bookplate on verso frontwrapper. Backstrip strengthened w. cl. w. paper ticket. = Rare.
- With the bookplate of Gerrit Komrij on verso frontcover. Endpapers foxed; plates waterstain in outer blank margin. Foot of spine dam.; rubbed/ worn along extremities.
Idem. Dichtstuk ter gelegendheid van het tweede eeuwgetijde der Beurs van Amsterdam. Ibid., J. Ruys, 1813, XVI,VIII,36p., engr. portrait of the author and frontisp., contemp. boards.
- With the bookplate of Gerrit Komrij on verso frontcover. Corners and joints rubbed/ sl. worn.
Zahn Jr., G.P. De geschiedenis der verlichting van Amsterdam. Amst., Scheltema & Holkema's boekhandel, 1911, XII,235p., num. ills., contemp. gilt marbled hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece, large 8vo. - AND 8 others, i.a. 3 copies of M. KALFF, Amsterdam. Zestien Stadsgezichten (Haarlem, 1883, Dutch, English and French edition, 16 tinted lithogr. plates, orig. unif. wr. First vol. contents loose(ning); 2nd vol. spine sl. dam.) and 18 engr. views of Amsterdam from A. RADEMAKER, Kabinet van Nederlandsche Oudheden (Amst., ±1725. Loose in contemp. wr.).
= Account of the meeting attended by 474 Dutch notables in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam where Willem I was appointed King of the Netherlands and the constitution was adopted.
- A few broadsides creased.
= Mainly on renewal of the "patenten" of various labourers, artisans and shopkeepers and of a special sale ordered by the municipality of French and English antiquities.
= Nice collection including some attractive original Nieuwe Kunst and Art Deco wrappers.
- Without the text vols.
= Splendid standard work on the subject, with photogr. plates of the megalithic tombs opposite their floorplans.
- The maps only, without the orig. metal box.
- One map prob. lacks sm. section w. separate map. Binding dam.; backcover loose.
= Koeman II, Dor 6, with addition by J.J. DE HOLLANDER.
- Maps sl. frayed/ (finger)soiled / foxed (mainly in blank margins). Hinges weak; lacks backstrip; covers worn.
= Very rare, no copies traced. Not in Koeman.