- Apart from some sl. foxing, generally in good condition.
= Including Utopia no.8 (Schrijfmachinenummer), which contains i.a. the first publication of Schrijfmachines - Capita Selecta by W.F. Hermans. No.9 consists of two parts and a folded advertising leaf for American paperbacks imported by Van Ditmar (which prob. served as a model for Utopia no.10) is also included. Rare.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Wr. sl. dam.
AND 18 others by the same (incl. 14 duplicates).
- Trifle foxed.
- Very fine copy. = Monod 11342. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVI.
= Monod 11052. One of 40 numb. copies printed on Japon impérial with the full-p. etchings supplied in 2 different states (1x in 3 states and one plate in 1 state (the colophon etching)): uncoloured and coloured. Also contains 1 uncol. etching not called for, possibly intended for this work, but not used for publication. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; owner's entry on first free endpaper. Binding warped; lower outer corner of frontcover stained. Contents fine.
Haan, J.I. de. Een nieuw Carthago. The Hague, J. van Krimpen, 1919, 1st ed., 39,(1)p., printed in red and black in 220 copies under supervision of J. VAN KRIMPEN by G.J. VAN AMERONGEN, orig. wr.
- Tear in frontwrapper.
- Final leaf sl. waterstained; a few leaves sl. affected by the watercolouring used and w. restoration by the author (1x w. a new (small) watercolour drawing by the author).
= With SIGNED DEDICATION in pen and ink on first free endpaper to "Theo Kolstee en vrouw: December 1954" and with AUTOGRAPH annotation in pen and ink on both title-pages reading "manu auctoris picta" and with AUTOGRAPH annotation in pen and ink on verso of both titles listing the names of the authors parodied: "Louis Couperus, Bosboom-Toussaint, van Lennep, Schimmel, Marie Corelli, Captain Marryat, Gustave Aimard, Agatha, X" and "Arthur van Schendel, Jules Verne, H.G. Well, Alexandre Dumas, père, E.Th.A. Hoffmann, Oscar Wilde, Rich. Strauss, Van Riemsdijk".
- Slipcase partly waterstained and sl. dam. at one corner.
= One of 65 copies (incl. 10 copies "e.a.") of the "Topeditie", bound in orig. plain boards, numb. "13/55", signed and "1993" on the title, with loosely inserted original SIGNED drawing (44x44 cm. (leaf), col. crayon, signed "Simon Vinkenoog 1993" and titled "Chemin clair" in pencil) and w. an inserted original AUTOGRAPH poem ("O,wat staan wij bloot! (...)", pencil, signed "Simon Vinkenoog, Louter genieten, 1993").
- Very fine. = Monod 11424.
- Spine-ends worn; backstrips fixed.
= Originally issued in parts from 1893 up to 1901, it reflects the development of the "Nieuwe Kunst", a Dutch variant of the international Art Nouveau. It contains a large number of full- and halfpage illustrations, vignettes, borders, all lithographed in delicate colours, partly with gold and silver. See at length Braches 2006 143-146, 150, 172; cat. Ned. Boek, no.14; B. Polak, Het Fin-de-siècle in de Nederlandse schilderkunst (1955), p.226.
- Contents loose(ning) and sl. fingersoiled. Bindings sl. stained and soiled; vol. 2 joints and spine-ends dam./ splitting; frontcover waterst. Sold w.a.f.
= The book was issued in parts from 1893 up to 1901, reflecting the development of the "Nieuwe Kunst", a Dutch variant of the international Art Nouveau. It contains a large number of full- and halfpage illustrations, vignettes, borders, all lithographed in delicate colours, partly with gold and silver. See at length Braches 2006 143-146, 150, 172; cat. Ned. Boek, no.14; B. Polak, Het Fin-de-siècle in de Nederlandse schilderkunst (1955), p.226.
= Rare publication, with contributions by Kees Fens, Simon Carmiggelt (also under pseud. Karel Bralleput), Peter van Straaten and Peter Vos. Contains a facsimile by Carmiggelt and "Rapport behorende bij de brief van de jury voor de Staatsprijs voor Letterkunde P.C. Hooftprijs 1974". For the lithographs by P. VOS: PV-P-81-1 and PV-P-81-2.
= This copy numb. "I", containing 2 extra etchings from the suite, both signed and "1e Staat" and a leaf w. pencil sketches of the etchings, but without the manuscript of M. Déon and the 2 extra suites called for in the colophon. Monod 3636.
Saudet, A. La Doulou. Ibid., idem, 1957, 101,(6)p., 14 etched plates and orig. aquatint and etched wrappers by J.P. VROOM, printed in 200 numb. copies, loose as issued, orig. giltlettered clothbacked chemise and matching board box, 4to.
- Box sl. worn. = Monod 3446.
Hugnet, G. Les Revenants Futurs. Paris, J.P. Vroom, n.d. (1952), no pagination, etched title-p., 12 plates and orig. wr. by J.P. VROOM, in quires as issued, printed in 75 numb. copies (30), signed by the author and illustrator, orig. wr., orig. clothbacked veneered board chemise and matching slipcase, 4to.
= One of 30 copies "sur Lana". Monod 6132.
- Binding sl. scratched and chafed; backstrip sunned.
= The 11th book of the Ernst Ludwig Presse. Sarkowski 1864.
= All published. Facs. reprint of the ed. Munich, 1919.
Beheim-Schwarzbach, M. and Ziegler, R. Führer sehen Dich an. Hilversum, Edition Selva, 1973, (24) lvs., 19 ills., printed in 600 numb. copies (400), orig. boards, folio. - WITH 7 facsimiles of etchings by R. ZILLER (pseud. of R. ZIEGLER) made for his We Make History (London, 1940) (portraits of Nazi's and their victims) (various sizes, partly with captions in German in pencil). - AND 1 other: DER GEGNER. Blätter zur Kritik der Zeit. Jahrgang 1 (...)/ Der Gegner mit dem satirischen Teil "Die Pleite". Jg. 2 (...) 1920-1921; Jg. 3 (...) 1922 (Berlin, 1979, facs. ed., (loosely inserted) (col.) plates/ ills., orig. cl.).
- Occas. vague foxing. = Monod 6692.
- Spine and corners worn. = The first publication by the Zikaden Presse.
- Occas. trifle foxed (incl. frontwr.); blank margins trifle creased throughout (incl. the leaf w. the full-p. ill.). Vague waterstain in top left corner of frontwr.; both wr. and the leaf w. the full-p. ill. a sm. tear in outer margin (±1 cm.).
= Dekkers/ Van der Spek/ De Vries, Cat. Hot Printing 43-g5; Logboek van De Blauwe Schuit 26 ("Een gedicht van een gijzelaar, ontstaan in 1942 te Sint Michielsgestel. Het papier, voor het binnenwerk gebruikt, is uit den vorigen oorlog afkomstig Pro Patria"); De Jong 510. With autograph dedication signed below the colophon: "Aan mijn vriend Fré Kooyman zomer '43 August Henkels". Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
- Spine rubbed, otherwise a remarkably fine copy.
= Dekkers/ Van der Spek/ De Vries BS-5; Cat. Hot Printing 41-g4; Logboek van De Blauwe Schuit 5; De Jong 676.
- Very vague knack in upper corner; wr. sl. yellowed; spine broken (wrappers loose). Otherwise fine.
= Volière reeks 5. Dekkers/ van der Spek/ de Vries G-249; Cat. Hot Printing 44-g12; De Jong 860.