- Plates and portfolio (sl.) foxed and vaguely scratched. Foot of spine sl. worn and top of spine sl. dam.
= Braches 1054.
- Lacks the leporello map in the first vol.; partly foxed. Bindings rubbed along extremities.
= Both French language. Nice views of i.a. Boon, Cologne, Remagen, Andernach, Koblenz, Bad Ems, Rüdesheim, Mainz, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Worms, Baden-Baden, Freiburg, Basel etc.
AND 40 others, 19th/ early 20th cent., in various bindings, mostly gilt hcalf, all but one 8vo.
= I.a. J. RACINE, Oeuvres (Paris, 1820, 6 vols.), GUY DE MAUPASSANT, H. DE BALZAC, LA FONTAINE, N. BOILEAU, Oeuvres complètes (Paris, 1873, handcol. engr. plates by E. BAYARD, contemp. gilt hmor.); LE SAGE, Le diable boiteux (ibid., 1840, wood-engr. plate and ills. by T. JOHANNOT, contemp. gilt hcalf) and TASSO, La Jérusalem Délivrée (ibid., n.d., ills. by Baron and C. NANTEUIL, contemp. gilt hmor. With a signed dedication, dated 1882, by C.J. van Tuyll van Serooskerken (later mayor of Zeist) to Georg(e) Baud, possibly G.L.C.H. Baud (later mayor of Aalten)).
- Frontcover loose; upper joint sl. weak/ splitting; top of spine chipped.
= "This Volume upon Ninon de Lenclos is translated and compiled from the most authentic French sources" (pref.). The text sometimes is attributed to Antoine Bret (1717-1792).
= A large collection of art nouveau (and a few art deco) publisher's bindings in fine condition. Containing i.a. works w. bindings designed by the following artists: J.B. Heukelom, C. Lebeau, E. Riemersma, P.A.H. Hofman, D. Nijland, L.W.R. Wenckebach, J.H. THOM Prikker, A.A.M. Stols, H. Luns, A. Vlaanderen. All in fine condition.
- Spine wr. rebacked = Rare.
Verhuell, A. Afspiegelingen. Schetsen uit de portefeuille. Arnhem, P. Gouda Quint, 1884-1885, 1st ed., 6 vols., 52 (tinted) lithographs, orig. unif. wr., obl. folio.
- Wrs. sl. (dust)soiled, otherwise fine.
= Tijdspiegelrealiteiten; London in 1862; Wit en Zwart; Verspreide Platen.
- Very fine copy.
= One of 20 Roman numb. copies printed on Japon nacré and with the suite of the colour decompositions of the 15 full-p. plates in a separate volume. Monod 1755; Carteret V, p.34; Cappiello / Rennert p.12. Monod states that there are two different sets of 20 Roman numbered copies on Japon nacré, those with and those without the suite, and only 20 copies contain the autograph leaves (see below). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XL.
WITH loosely inserted: Idem. Two AUTOGRAPH LEAVES from the orig. manuscript of Miroir à deux faces, both in pen and green ink, both recto only.
- Both leaves w. sm. page(?) number in pen and red ink in top right corner.
= With annot. in pencil on first leaf identifying the source of the autograph and the page number in the printed text (p.44 and 45).
- Wrappers sl. soiled. Unnumb. and unopened copy, without the frontisp. illustration by Serge Vandercam called for on the title (as in all unnumb. copies?).
- Bookplate on verso wr. Verso final leaf browned. Backstrip sl. dam.
- Wrappers doubled; frontwr. loosening; backstrip dam./ lacking.
Duhamel, G. La lumière. Antw. etc., La voile rouge (L. Opdebeek a.o.), 1921, 125,(2)p., woodcut bookdecoration, num. ills. and headpieces and orig. col. woodcut wr. by J. CANTRÉ, printed in 565 numb. copies (500) in black and lilac by J.-E. BUSCHMANN, 4to.
- Wr. loose(ning); backstrip lacking. = Monod 4032; Lebeer 36.
ADDED: 2 others, i.a. M. KEMP, De zeven broeders (Maastr., 1921, woodcut plates and vignettes by H. JONAS, printed in 325 numb. copies (300), orig. wr., folio. Frontwr. dampstained in lower margin and loose; backstrip worn).
- Backstrip dam. at top and foot of spine w. loss of sm. portions; wr. sl. yellowed/ discol., otherwise fine.
De legende van Sint Christoffel. Maastr., Leiter-Nypels, 1931, XLVIIp., 16 woodcut plates by P. REINALD RATS, printed in black and blue in 100 numb. copies, orig. wr. w. dustwr., folio.
- Lower hinge broken; a few lvs. unopened; occas. sl. foxed. Binding sl. rubbed along extremities.
= Van Laar 130.
AND 1 other illustrated by J. Cantré.
= Famous weekly illustrated supplements to the daily newspaper Gil Blas, which was published until 1903. The main illustrator of the periodical was A. Steinlen, present with (full-page) (colour) illustrations. in each number.
- A few postcards loose.
= Anti-German World War I caricatures, published in favour of the French Red Cross (1st series) and war orphans (2nd series).
AND a duplicate copy of the first series.
= From the library of Godfried Bomans. Contains contributions by i.a. G. Bomans, W. Hussem, W. Kan, A. Koolhaas, R. Kuipers, M. Nord, A. Roland Holst and A.M.G. Schmidt.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Otherwise fine.
= Reprint of the undated (prob. early 19th cent.) edition listed by Cohen/ De Ricci on p.88f. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XL.
- Fine copy, without any foxing. = Rius I, p.542; Vicaire II, p.155/156; Sander 148.