Page 12 of 14 Results 221 - 240 of 266
77 1931 Planck M 77 1931 Planck M
77/1931 Planck, M. Zur Theorie des Gesetzes der Energieverteilung im Normalspectrum. Leipsic, J.A. Barth, 1900, 237-245p., contemp. hcl.

= Norman Library 1713: "The first printing of Planck's quantum theory, marking the dividing line between classical and modern physics". Particle movement had previously been described in terms of classical mechanics (cf. Newton, Leibnitz). In order to account for non-continuous energy pulses or bursts of action observed during his own experiments, Planck developed the idea of the energy quantum and introduced the "Planck constant" to calculate a particle's energy level. In 1918, Planck received the Nobel prize for his work on quantum theory. Dibner 166; DSB Horblit 26a; PMM 391a.

BOUND WITH: Idem. Ueber eine Verbesserung der Wien'schen Spectralgleichung. Ibid., idem, 1900, 202-204p. - AND WITH: Idem. Ein vermeintlicher Widerspruch des magneto-optischen Faradayeffectes mit der Thermodynamik. Ibid., idem, 1900, 206-210p.

= Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, year 2, issues 17, 13 and 14. Also contains all other issues of the same year (15x) and of year 1 (1899, 15x. Owner's stamps on (issue) title-p.). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXII.

€ (6.000-8.000) 6000
77 1932 Poincaré H 77 1932 Poincaré H
77/1932 Poincaré, H. Thermodynamique. Leçons professées pendant le premier semestre 1888-89. Ed. J. Blondin. Paris, G. Carré, 1892, 1st ed., XIX,(1),432p., contemp. giltlettered hcalf.

- Libr. bookplate on upper pastedown. Leather of binding dried and rubbed.

AND 3 others by the same, i.a. Leçons sur les hypothèses cosmogoniques professées à la Sorbonne (Paris, 1913, 2nd ed., loosely inserted portrait of the author, orig. wr. Owner's entry on title-p. Fine).

€ (80-100) 130
77 1933 Prigogine I 77 1933 Prigogine I
77 1933 Prigogine I 77 1933 Prigogine I
77/1933 Prigogine, I. Etude Thermodynamique des Phénomènes irréversibles. Liege, Editions Sedoer, 1947, 1st ed., IX,(1),143p., orig. wr., thesis.

- Sl. browned as usual.

€ (70-90) 80
77 1934 Psychology and psycho analysis  Freud S 77 1934 Psychology and psycho analysis Freud S
77/1934 [Psychology and psycho-analysis]. Freud, S. Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci. Leipsic and Vienna, F. Deuticke, 1910, 1st ed., (2),71p., frontisp., orig. wr.

- Underlining in red pencil. Backstrip sl. dam.; wr. discoloured. = Grinstein 135.

Idem. Über Psychoanalyse. Fünf Vorlesungen gehalten zur 20jährigen Gründungsfeier der Clark University in Worcester Mass. September 1909. Ibid., idem, 1910, (2),62p., orig. wr.

- Spine strengthened.

€ (50-70)
77 1935 Psychology and psycho analysis  Freud S 77 1935 Psychology and psycho analysis Freud S
77/1935 [Psychology and psycho-analysis]. Freud, S. Totem und Tabu. Einige Übereinstimmungen im Seelenleben der Wilden und der Neurotiker. Leipsic/ Vienna, H. Heller & Cie., 1913, 1st ed. in bookform, (6),149p., orig. wr., 4to.

- Wrappers sl. waterstained along edges.

= Grinstein 221; Norman Library F85: "Freud's Totem and taboo was originally published as four essays in the psychiatric journal Imago, under the general title Resemblances between the psychic lives of savages and neurotics; the four essays were titled "The horror of incest," "Taboo and emotional ambivalence," "Animism, magic and the omnipotence of thoughts," and "The return of totemism in childhood." This important work represents Freud's first attempt to analyze some of the unsolved problems of social psychology from a psychoanalytic standpoint; in the final essay, he concluded that "the beginnings of religion, morality, social life and art [meet] in the Oedipus complex."

AND a mediocre copy of the same work.

€ (60-80)
77 1936 Psychology and psycho analysis  James W 77 1936 Psychology and psycho analysis James W
77/1936 [Psychology and psycho-analysis]. James, W. Principles of Psychology. London, Macmillan and Co., 1890, 1st Engl. ed., 2 vols., XII,689,(1); VI,704p., 94 ills., orig. unif. giltlettered cl., t.e.g.

- Owner's entry in both vols.; a few sm. specks on sl. faded backstrips. Contents fine.

= Published in the same year as the American first edition. Cf. Norman Library 1153; Garrison/ Morton 4977.2: "The foundation of the American school of experimental psychology. (...) James viewed psychology as an experimental science based on physiology (...)"; "(...) one of the first attempts to treat psychology as a natural science in which the mind is conceived of as being subject to both Darwinian evolutionary principles and to acts of will (...)." (Norman Library).

€ (200-300) 200
77 1937 Psychology and psycho analysis  Taine H 77 1937 Psychology and psycho analysis Taine H
77/1937 [Psychology and psycho-analysis]. Taine, H. De l'intelligence. Paris, Hachette et Cie., 1870, 2 vols., (4),492; (4),508p., contemp. unif. gilt red hmor.

- Occas. sl. foxed. Spines sunned.

€ (80-100) 80
77 1938 Railways  NS sluitbord 77 1938 Railways NS sluitbord
77/1938 [Railways]. (NS sluitbord). Painted metal, red and white paint, w. die cut "NS" and grip, 33,8x34,8 cm.
€ (30-50) 40
77 1939 Railways  Romers H 77 1939 Railways Romers H
77/1939 [Railways]. Romers, H. Spoorwegarchitectuur in Nederland 1841-1938. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, (1981), 336p., ills., orig. artif. leather w. dustwr., obl. folio. Douma, C. Stationsarchitectuur in Nederland 1938-1998. Ibid., idem, 1998, 352p., ills., orig. artif. leather w. dustwr., obl. folio. - AND 3 others on railways, i.a. HET SPOOR. 150 JAAR SPOORWEGEN IN NEDERLAND. Ed. J.A. Faber (Amst./ Utr., 1989, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (30-50) 30
77 1940 Rapport du jury central sur les produits de l'agriculture et de l'industrie exposés en 1849 77 1940 Rapport du jury central sur les produits de l'agriculture et de l'industrie exposés en 1849
77/1940 Rapport du jury central sur les produits de l'agriculture et de l'industrie exposés en 1849. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1850, 3 vols., (4),CIC,(1),352; (4),903; (4),877p., contemp. unif. gilt hcalf.

- Vol.1 w. dedication by J. ANDRY, general secretary of the Société Nationale d'Horticulture de la Seine, on title-p. Spines sl. rubbed.

= Rare.

AND 3 others similar, i.a. H. VALÉRIUS, Les phénomènes de la nature, leurs lois et leurs applications aux arts et à l'industrie (Paris/ Brussels, 1858, 2 vols., col. lithogr. frontisp., 3 col. lithogr. maps, woodengr. ills., contemp. gilt hcalf. Both vols. binding sl. worn/ dam.).

€ (150-250) 150
77 1941 Reuleaux F 77 1941 Reuleaux F
77 1941 Reuleaux F 77 1941 Reuleaux F
77 1941 Reuleaux F 77 1941 Reuleaux F
77/1941 Reuleaux, F. Der Constructeur. Ein Handbuch zum Gebrauch beim Maschinen-Entwerfen für Maschinen- und Bau-Ingenieure, Fabrikanten und Technische Lehranstalten. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1861, 1st ed., XXVII,(1),345,(6)p., 250 woodengr. ills., contemp. blindst. giltlettered cl.

- Some scattered owner's annots./ stamps; foxed. Spine and board edges sunned. Rare.

= DSB XI, p.384-385; cf. Poggendorff III, p.1111 (4th ed.).

Idem. Cinématique. Principes fondamentaux d'une théorie des machines. French transl. A. Debize. Paris, F. Savy, 1877, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., textpart (4),IV,651p., 459 woodengr. textills., atlas (4)textp. and 8 fold. plates, contemp. hmor.

- Upper hinge broken; partly sl. waterstained in lower margin (incl. first plate and (h)title atlas). Joints split(ting); corners showing.

= Roberts and Trent p.277 (1st German ed., 1875). First French translation of the main work of the 'Father of Kinematics'.

€ (200-300)
77 1942 Rutherford E 77 1942 Rutherford E
77 1942 Rutherford E 77 1942 Rutherford E
77/1942 Rutherford, E. Radioactive Substances and their Radiations. Cambr., University Press, 1913, 1st ed., VII,(1),699,(1)p., 5 plates, ills., orig. cl.

- Owner's ticket/ stickers/ stamp on first free endpaper/ (h)title; trifle foxed. Binding plasticized.

= DSB XII, p.35.

Joliot, F. and Curie, I. Radioactivité artificielle. Paris, Hermann & Cie., 1935, 1st ed., 28,(1)p., 3 photogr. plates, orig. wr.

- Newspaper clipping pasted on verso title-p. Backstrip dam.

= DSB VII, p.157. Actualités scientifiques et industrielles 199.

AND 10 others similar, i.a. F. SODDY, Die Natur des Radiums. German transl. G. Siebert (Leipsic, 1909, (photogr.) ills., orig. (sunned/ dam.) wr. A few lvs. loose. DSB XII, p.508) and E. RUTHERFORD, Radioactive Transformations (London, 1912, 1st ed., ills., orig. gilt cl. Rare. DSB XII, p.35).

€ (80-100) 190
77 1943 Sandick R A van 77 1943 Sandick R A van
77 1943 Sandick R A van 77 1943 Sandick R A van
77/1943 Sandick, R.A. van. In het rijk van Vulcaan. De uitbarsting van Krakatau en hare gevolgen. Zutphen, W.J. Thieme & Cie., n.d. (1890), 195,(1)p., tinted lithogr. map, modern cl. w. orig. pict. wr. laid down.

- New endpapers; owner's stamp on title; map and wr. sl. foxed. Fine copy (rare).

AND 5 others, i.a. G. CUVIER, Discours sur les révolutions du globe (Paris, 1875, fold. table, 3 fold. engr. plates, contemp. gilt blindst. cl. Table w. tear in inner margin. Binding sl. worn) and A. WEGENER, La genèse des continents et des océans. French transl. A. LERNER (ibid., 1937, 63 ills., orig. gilt artificial leather).

€ (50-70) 90
77 1944 Schlick M 77 1944 Schlick M
77 1944 Schlick M 77 1944 Schlick M
77/1944 Schlick, M. Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre. Berlin, J. Springer, 1918, 1st ed., IX,(1),344,(2)p., sl. later clothbacked boards.

- Paper mounted on upper outer corner title. Lacks wrappers.

€ (70-90)
77 1945 Schlick M 77 1945 Schlick M
77 1945 Schlick M 77 1945 Schlick M
77/1945 Schlick, M. Raum und Zeit in der gegenwärtigen Physik. Zur Einführung in das Verständnis der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Berlin, J. Springer, 1917, 1st ed., (4),63,(1)p., orig. wr.

- Spine sl. dam.; wrappers partly browned.

= Rare first edition of one of the earliest works on Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

€ (80-100) 80
77 1946 Shipbuilding  Romme C 77 1946 Shipbuilding Romme C
77 1946 Shipbuilding  Romme C 77 1946 Shipbuilding Romme C
77 1946 Shipbuilding  Romme C 77 1946 Shipbuilding Romme C
77/1946 [Shipbuilding]. Romme, C. L'art de la marine, ou principes et préceptes généraux de l'art de construire, d'armer, de manoeuvrer et de conduire des vaisseaux. Paris, Barrois, 1787, (6),587,(1)p., 7 engr. fold. plates, woodcut headpieces, contemp. gilt calf w. black mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Stamp on title-p.; 2 parts cut out of first blank and restored w. paper; plates waterstained along inner blank margin, not touching text, otherwise internally fine. Frontcover chafed; joints starting; top of spine chipped.

€ (120-150) 170
77 1947 Sommerfeld A 77 1947 Sommerfeld A
77 1947 Sommerfeld A 77 1947 Sommerfeld A
77/1947 Sommerfeld, A. La constitution de l'atome et les raies spectrales. French transl. H. Bellenot. Paris, A. Blanchard, 1923, 2 vols., VII,(1),384; (4),385-743,(3)p., orig. unif. wr.

- Both vols. owner's stamp on title-p. and spine sunned; vol.2 foot of spine dam.

= DSB XII, p.529. Rare.

Bohr, N. Les spectres et la structure de l'atome. Trois conférences. French transl. A. Corvisy. Ibid., J. Hermann, 1923, (4),152p., orig. wr.

- Backstrip dam. = Rare.

AND 3 others similar, i.a. one volume of 41 offprints on cosmic radiation by i.a. J. CLAY, M. RUTGERS VAN DER LOEFF, A. VAN GEMERT, H. DEN HARTOG and F.A. MULLER (1933-1944, 2 typescript/ manuscript index lvs. bound with, contemp. hcl., orig. wr. pres., mostly from PHYSICA and PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEDERLANDSCHE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. Owner's entry and annots.).

€ (50-70) 80
77 1948 Tesla N 77 1948 Tesla N
77/1948 Tesla, N. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency. New York, W.J. Johnston Company, 1896, 2nd ed, IX,(1),146,(20)p., photogr. portrait, 35 ills., contemp. giltlettered cl.

- Hinges broken; final p. loose; a few scattered owner's stamps. Spine-ends worn.

= Cf. Poggendorf IV, p.1486 (1st ed. London, 1892); DSB XIII, p.287. Rare.

€ (200-300) 200
77 1949 La théorie du rayonnement et les quanta Rapports et discussions de la réunion tenue à Bruxelles du 30 octobre au 3 novembre 1911 sous les auspices de M E Solvay Ed P Langevin and M de 77 1949 La théorie du rayonnement et les quanta Rapports et discussions de la réunion tenue à Bruxelles du 30 octobre au 3 novembre 1911 sous les auspices de M E Solvay Ed P Langevin and M de
77/1949 La théorie du rayonnement et les quanta. Rapports et discussions de la réunion tenue à Bruxelles, du 30 octobre au 3 novembre 1911, sous les auspices de M.E. Solvay. Ed. P. Langevin and M. de Broglie. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912, 1st ed., (8),461,(1)p., orig. wr., large 8vo.

- Contemp. owner's entry on wrapper and htitle. Backstrip sl. dam.

= Very rare first edition of the proceedings of the first international Solvay Conference on physics, devoted to radiation theory and the quanta.

€ (300-500)
77/1950 Thomé, O.W. Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild für Schule und Haus. Gera-Untermhaus, Fr. Eugen Köhler, 1886-1888, 1st ed., 4 vols., 616 chromolithogr. plates, contemp. unif. gilt hmor.

- Vol. 3 one plate loose; occas. trifle foxed. Otherwise a fine set. = Nissen, BBI 1947.

€ (200-300)