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  • [Grieshaber, HAP]. Braun, V.
78 1515 Grieshaber HAP Braun V
78/1515 [Grieshaber, HAP]. Braun, V. Guevara oder der Sonnenstaat. Frankf. a.Main, Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1983, 67,(16)p., printed in 215 numb. copies signed by the author, orig. boards, slipcase.

= Cf. Fürst 76/24ff. One of 100 copies with 2 extra woodcuts by HAP GRIESHABER, signed by R. GRIESHABER.

AND 6 others (illustrated) by the same, i.a. H.E. KÄUFER, Russlandimpressionen (Leverkussen, 1976, 200 numb. copies signed by the author and illustrator, orig. wr., 4to); Der grosse Garten (Hannover, 1975, 900 numb. copies, orig. hcl., folio); Die Gouachen zum Totentanz (Stuttg., 1982, col. ills., orig. hcl., slipcase, folio) and P. NERUDA, Aufenthalt auf Erden. German transl. E. Arendt (Frankf. a.M. etc., Büchergilde Gutenberg, n.d. (1972), 215,(9)p., 18 (double-p.) col. woodcuts and orig. clothbacked col. woodcut boards by HAP GRIESHABER, slipcase, 4to. Fürst 72/71ff).

€ (60-80) 60