77 3329 Jakubowski W b 1929
77 3329 Jakubowski W  b 1929
77 3329 Jakubowski W  b 1929
77/3329 Jakubowski, W. (b.1929). "Ex libris Emil Kunze". "Ex libris Dr. Horstfried Masthoff". Two original designs, pencil, 6,6x6,6 and 10,5x6 cm., signed "Jakubowski" and "2001"/ "2002" . - WITH: the final engravings, both signed in pencil. - AND ±130 engr. ex libris by the same, i.a. 52 EKSLIBRISY. RYTOWAL W. MIEDZI WOJCIECH JAKUBOWSKI (Gdynia, 1988, booklet and 52 tipped-on engr. ex libris, loosely inserted in cl. portfolio).
€ (100-150) 100
€ (100-150) 100