[Medieval manuscripts]. (Book of Hours).
Manuscript in Latin on vellum, Northern France, 2nd half 15th cent., (1 blank),(120) lvs., red and black ink, littera textualis, 14 lines to the page, leaves measuring ±16,5x12 cm., rubricated in red and blue ink, 1 LARGE MINIATURE IN COLOURS AND GOLD showing David, 7 large foliate initials in colours and gold, each surrounded by marginal pen flourishes, heightened with colours and gold, depicting flowers, branches and fruits, rich pen-flourishes alternating in red and blue in outer margins, contemp. panelled blindst. calf over wooden covers, tooling showing i.a. a French lily and Agnus Dei.
- Lacks matins of the Hours of the Virgin (w. miniature?) and none; lacks first leaf to Office of the Dead cut out (w. miniature?); lacks O Intermerata(?).
= A book of hours possibly made for a patron residing in the region of Brittany of Normandy, France. Contents: a calendar w. i.a. mentioned in red St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Dyonisius, St. Maclou, St. Nicolas and St. Thomas of Cantrbury; the Hours of the Virgin; the Penitential Psalms and Litany and the Office of the Dead. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXI.
€ (4.000-6.000) 4250